SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - July 18, 2018 - Ruckus Networks,an ARRIS company, today announced the RuckusR730, the industry's first IoT- and LTE-ready, 802.11ax wireless access point(AP). The high-capacity, 12 spatial-stream R730 works in concert with the new RuckusUltra-High Density Technology Suite to smoothly deliver high-resolution, latency-sensitivevideo in ultra-high density user environments such as stadiums, train stationsand schools. In addition, the R730 complies with both the new WPA3™ securityprotocol and Wi-Fi™ Enhanced Open for more secure connections on publicnetworks.
Worldwide data and video traffic is growing at double-digit rates, drivenby an increase in connected devices. ABI Research predicts that Wi-Fi deviceshipments will grow to nearly 35 billion by 2022. Data and video traffic also willsurge due to increased per-device data consumption driven by applications like4K video streaming, virtual and augmented reality and live-stream gaming.
"Ruckuscustomers and partners demand more when it comes to their networks," said IanWhiting, president of Ruckus Networks. "We have a long history of deliveringproducts and technologies that go beyond the current state of the art to meetthe world's most demanding network requirements while driving down thecost-per-connection. Ruckus R730 and Ruckus Ultra-High Density Technology Suiteare the latest examples."
The congestion of people, devices and bandwidth-hungry apps makes forchallenges that current wireless tech cannot handle. Adding to the complexityof this environment are diversifying device categories and apps, such asinstant messaging, IoT control messages and voice-over-Wi-Fi.
"Real-worlduse cases are bumping up against the limits of existing Wi-Fi standards, andthe need for 802.11ax to address a wide variety of heterogeneous, high-densityscenarios is clear," said Chris DePuy, founder and technology analyst at 650Group. "Ruckus has already differentiated itself in the realm of networkconsolidation. With this launch, Ruckus is reinforcing that by setting thestage for converged Wi-Fi, IoT and LTE deployments."
802.11ax:More connections and bandwidth, higher QoS
The new 802.11ax standard was designed forhigh-density connectivity, with the ability to support up to a four-fold capacityincrease over its 802.11ac Wave 2 predecessor. With 802.11ax, multiple APs usedin dense device environments are collectively able to deliver requiredquality-of-service (QoS) to more clients with more diverse usage profiles dueto the use of orthogonalfrequency-division multiple access (OFDMA) and multi-usermultiple-in multiple-out (MU-MIMO) technologies.
Deliveringexpected service levels in ultra-high-density environments
Increased end-user expectations andapplication QoS requirements pose unique difficulties to network designers. Locationssuch as stadiums, public venues, train stations, and schools in which videocontent and applications are central to the curriculum, are representativeexamples. The R730, supporting eight spatial streams on 5 GHz and four spatialstreams on 2.4 GHz, is better able to address those expectations throughincreased capacity, improved coverage and performance.
"Train stations are especially challengingWi-Fi environments due to spikes in client count each time passengers exit atrain," said Tetsuo Mukai, general manager, KDDI. "We challengedRuckus to help us improve the in-station experience for subscribers withdevices that were already on the network when the train arrives, and Ruckuscame back with a solution that dramatically reduced the impact of thesetransient client events on affected subscribers, minimizing throughputdegradation and shortening recovery time."
The Ruckus Ultra-High Density Technology Suiteaddresses these challenges using techniques that go beyond the 802.11axstandard, including:
"At Golden 1 Center, we'recommitted to delivering the best fan experience in the industry. One of theways we deliver value to our fans is to build a network that enables livestreaming during the games. This is incredibly challenging to do in a venuelike ours with as many live-streaming fans as we have," said Ryan Montoya,chief technology officer, Sacramento Kings. "Ruckus was up to the challenge anddemonstrated to us several innovative features that let us squeeze the most outof our available spectrum, ensuring no connections are dropped and thatadequate bandwidth is available for anyone that wants to live-stream the game."
ConvergingIoT access networks
The R730 includes embedded Bluetooth LowEnergy (BLE) and Zigbee radios and can be augmented with Ruckus IoT modules to supportadditional physical layer protocols such as LoRa. Using the Ruckus IoTcontroller, these separate networks and the IoT endpoints associated with them,can be managed, coordinated and connected to IoT cloud services as part asingle, converged IoT access network.
Preparingfor private LTE
The R730 accommodates modular RuckusOpenG™ LTE APs operating in the U.S. Citizens BroadbandRadio Service (CBRS) 3.5 GHz band, enabling existing Wi-Fi APs to provide LTEservice. Using modular or stand-alone LTE APs, organizations will be able tobuild their own private LTE networks to improve the quality of indoor cellularservice within their facilities.
Makingusers safer at home, in the office and in public
The R730 will implement the next-generation WPA3wireless security protocol and Wi-Fi Enhanced Open. Users with compatibledevices will benefit from significant security enhancements, including:
Gettingthe most out of your 802.11ax deployment
The 802.11ax standard and the R730 offer astep-function increase in over-the-air throughput. To make the best use of thatnew capacity, network designers need to optimize the wired accessinfrastructure to support it, while minimizing upgrade costs. Ruckus helpsnetwork designers by:
"Many of ourcustomers have future-proofed their networks with the Ruckus ICX 7650 switches,in anticipation of the upcoming 802.11ax access points," said Don Gulling,president and CEO of Verteks Consulting. "The launch of the R730 enables us toquickly get these APs into the hands of our customers that serve high-densityWi-Fi deployments such as stadiums, auditoriums and large public venues. TheseAPs and switches will provide our customers with what they need to meetnext-generation demands."
The R730 will be generally available this calendar quarter. The Ultra-High Density Technology Suite isavailable now for use with all Ruckus APs.
AboutRuckus Networks
Ruckus Networks, an ARRIScompany, is redefining connectivity around the globe. With our partners,we build secure wired and wireless access networks for organizations that placea premium on connectivity experiences for end users as well as networking simplicityfor IT.
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