SINGAPORE - Media OutReach- 24 July 2018 - Tranzaco aims to transform the way SMEs consume services byproviding a matchmaking service to service providers. We believe thattechnology is best used when it brings people together. Business owners can nowhave access to hundreds of actual service providers and have real-timeinteractions with them through our chat app. Together with our rating and testimonialsystem, business owners can find the perfect person to assist with serviceshe/she requires.
At Tranzaco, we try to make the initial years ofentrepreneurship much easier by allowing access to our wide pool of bankers/specialists. These are direct contacts who will beassisting the entrepreneur with raising capital, applying for working loans,account opening and even credit card applications. Granted that the journey is still going to betough but with this pool of service providers to, it makes that journey morebearable. Business owners no longer willneed to visit many banks and repeat the same story every time. They will also no longer be held ransom bybrokers who try to match-make business owners to service providers and chargean intermediary fee.
Thematching and ranking algorithm ensures that the highest rated and mostefficient service providers get the attention they deserve, yet withoutdiscriminating new applicants to the system. Files and other information can be shared within the chat itself aspreliminary fact finding before the case is taken offline. Regardless whether the deal is closed, bothparties will be prompted to give each other a rating of their experience andthus improve the overall experience felt by both parties in the ecosystem.
Mr.Sky Tan, founder of Tranzaco.com says, "It isn't easy to start a business fromscratch and we understand the resource constrains which many business ownersface. It is a constant struggle to runthe business and raise business loans/working capital at the same time. Engaging a broker does not necessary lessenthe workload either. Therefore, Tranzaco.comwas born to assist business owners with this aspect of their business, leavingthem free to run and build their core business."
At Tranzaco.com,business owners would no longer be bombarded by sales calls who are just goingthrough the motion and hoping to secure the sale. The process becomes a customer led salescycle where business owners have a ready need which can be fulfilled by thesales people within the ecosystem. Thisleads to a higher standard of service for the service providers and a moreefficient process for the business owners.
Mr.Dominic Phan, Co-founder of Tranzaco.com says," We understand the frustrationsand the challenges faced by business owners, especially during the formativeyears. We've designed the portal with theSME owner in mind, to make it easier and more efficient to run their business."
Tranzaco.comis an ever-evolving ecosystem as we continue to upgrade our algorithm and thefeatures available to all participants within our ecosystem. With planned upgrades and releases over thenext year, we hope to revolutionize the SME ecosystem within the region.
Formore information, please visit our website at https://www.tranzaco.com