
Doosan Vina ships boiler equipment to Japan

A batch of boiler pressure components using waste to energy (WtE) technology has been shipped to a power plant at Fushimi, Kyoto, Japan after nine months of production at Doosan Heavy Industries Việt Nam (Doosan Vina) in the central province of Quang Ngai.


Cassava exports rise sharply, prices surge

Exports of cassava and cassava-based products were estimated to be worth US$443 million in the first four months of the year, a year on-year increase of 23.9 per cent, according to the Agro Processing and Market Development Authority.

CPI reflects real performance of commodity prices

The General Statistics Office announced that the consumer price index (CPI) in April 2021 decreased by 0.04 per cent compared to the previous month, while many types of goods increased in price from the beginning of the year.  Nguyễn Trung Tiến, deputy director of the General Statistics Office (GSO), spoke to local media about this issue

