SINGAPORE- Media OutReach - 19July 2019 - Kaplan Higher Education Academy and Kaplan Higher EducationInstitute have achieved renewal of the 4-year EduTrust Certification, conferredby the Committee for Private Education (CPE), which is part of SkillsFutureSingapore (SSG).
The EduTrustCertification is a quality assurance scheme awarded to Private EducationInstitutions (PEIs), who have demonstrated an excellent level of performance inmanaging their institutions and providing high quality education standards andwelfare for their students. PEIs are assessed across seven criteria, whichinclude the institution's management commitment and responsibilities, studentprotection and support services, academic processes and student assessment, andachievement of student and graduate outcomes.
AssociateProfessor Rhys Johnson, Chief Operating Officer and Provost at Kaplan inSingapore expresses, "We are delighted toreceive the renewal of our EduTrust Certification offering students, parentsand partners the assurance of our commitment to providing quality education. Asone of the leading private education providers, we will continue to workclosely with our university and industry partners to help our students and graduatesachieve their educational and career goals through lifelong learningopportunities."
This 4-yearEduTrust Certification follows accreditations received from the Chinese ServiceCenter of Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE), an affiliation to the Ministry ofEducation of the People's Republic of China. All degree programmes delivered byKaplan in Singapore, offered by Murdoch University, Northumbria University, RoyalHolloway University of London, University College Dublin, University of Essexand University of Portsmouth, are recognised by the CSCSE providing graduatesmore employment opportunities in China (Degrees awarded through Kaplan HigherEducation Academy from July 2011 and Kaplan Higher Education Institute fromMarch 2016 are covered).
AssociateProfessor Johnson added, "We willcontinue to partner with renowned universities to give students the opportunityto select from pathway options to progress academically and attain theirpreferred qualifications. This accreditation will benefit our students andalumni in equipping them with the key skills needed to remain highly employable."
Providing over 300 degree and 25diploma programmes, Kaplan in Singapore is focused on offering academic programmesdesigned to equip students with the skillsets for employment and to meetevolving industry needs. One of its initiatives was to set up six KaplanIndustry Advisory Boards in 2016, involving over 40 senior executives andentrepreneurs from Multinational Companies, Small & Medium Enterprises andStart-ups. Collectively, they provide perspectives on the latest industrytrends to align programmes offered at Kaplan to meet Singapore's labour needs, toprepare graduates to be relevant to industry and career-ready.
For more information on theprogrammes delivered by Kaplan in Singapore, click here oremail us at info.sg@kaplan.com. Join in the conversations at www.linkedin/kaplansingapore and www.facebook.com/kaplansingapore.
Kaplan in Singapore is part of Kaplan Inc.,one of the world's most diverse education providers and is the largestsubsidiary of Graham Holdings, formerly The Washington Post Company. Todate, Kaplan in Singapore has students from over 35 countries worldwide,served over 65,000 graduates and awarded over 225,000 professionalcertificates. With over 480 academic programmes for higher learning andprofessional certification courses available for skills development, Kaplanprovides opportunities for individuals to pursue lifelong learning.
To find out more about Kaplan Singapore, visit www.kaplan.com.sg.