WARSAW,POLAND - Media OutReach - 17 July2019 - iSunOne, Asia's leadingasset management and private social chatting platform, has partnered withEuropean Digital Bank Dragon Services. iSunOne is realizing better banking onblockchain through strategic partnership and acquisition, creating a new peerto peer financial service system fueled by cryptocurrency and stable tokens.Robinhood, emerging equity and digital currency trading platform, and Coinbase,America's largest cryptocurrency exchange, are both likely players andcompetitors, yet iSunOne is leading the long-term game in innovative businessmodel and regulatory compliance.
"Whatis the true shape of money? iSunOne projects the true shape of future money, aswe realize the peer to peer seamless flow of information and moneysimultaneously." quoting Ms. Robin Xie, CEO of iSunOne.Money is not just a pile of cash as human beings are advancing through cashlesssociety to a higher level, as the marriage of information and money in the formof blockchain plus token shed new light on underprivileged population. Users caneasily open a banking account in iSunOne within minutes, send stream ofinformation and token flow with several clicks, and enjoy the privilege ofprivate social chatting while getting paid in bitcoins and stable tokensinstantly.
Theformation of the financial services chain and acquisition of the bankinglicense greatly improves iSunOne's service efficiency, increases the variety ofservices, and reduces operational costs. At present, iSunOne's main functionsare wealth management of digital currency and private communication built onblockchain. In the future, iSunOne will use private communication services topromote the financial and social ecosystem and provide more categories of assetmanagement services, breaking the boundary between traditional assets anddigital assets.
SlawomirLachowski, Chairman of Dragon Services, a European financial services provider,is excited about the partnership with iSunOne. This is Dragon Services' firstpartner outside Europe. Dragon Services is known for offering "Disruptiveinnovation in Banking". It is understood that Dragon Services has assistedfinancial institutions in Poland, the Czech Republic, and Germany with bankingbusiness and licensing in the past three years.
Thepartnership between blockchain banking service by iSunOne and Dragon Serviceswill create undeniable competitive advantages for iSunOne and bring more value-addedservice for customers.
iSunOne is a crypto asset management APP. Download now for freevia Google Play、Apple Store or https://isun.one/. Follow social media channels below:
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