HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 29 May2019 - Legal500 -- a renowned legal directories in the world -- has ranked Adam Hugill in the2019 edition. This follows another prestigious recommendation received fromChambers and Partners earlier this year.
Asreported, Adam Hugill has a particularly strong reputation advising on contentiousemployment matters and has excellent ties with local businesses from manyindustry sectors, which should enable him to offer a viable alternative to someof the larger, more established firms in the market.
For 32 years, The Legal 500 has been analysing thecapabilities of law firms across the world, with a comprehensive researchprogramme revised and updated every year to bring the most up-to-date vision ofthe global legal market. The rankings are based on a series of criteria, butsimply put, highlighting the practice area teams who are providing the mostcutting edge and innovative advice to corporate counsel. The research is basedon feedback from 300,000 clients worldwide, submissions from law firms and interviewswith leading private practice lawyers, and a team of researchers who haveunrivalled experience in the legal market.
Hugill& Ip has also been recently recognised by Benchmark Litigationfor Private Client practice in addition to being a notable firm for Commercialand Transactions rankings. Recommendations are based on interviews with leadingprivate practice lawyers and in-house counsel. All listed firms and individualsare consistently mentioned during the research process, with those who earn a"highly recommended" designation receiving the most mentions and held asdominant in their particular jurisdiction. BenchmarkLitigation is a U.S.-based publication run from the New York offices ofInstitutional Investor and Euromoney's Legal Media Group.
In addition, Adam Hugill has most recently been recommendedin Doyle's Guide for Leading Employment & Labour Lawyers.
Hehas commented: "While Hong Kong remains an "employer friendly" jurisdiction,the Courts have shown a willingness over recent years to expand employeeprotections in certain cases. Inaddition, the jurisprudence of other more liberal 'employee friendly' jurisdictionsis often considered in connection with matters regarding the social protectionsafforded to employees. Leaps ahead have been made in the Court of Final Appealwhich last year granted dependant visa rights to a same-sex couple and willshortly adjudicate on other social issues such as the filing of joint taxreturns and right to receive employee spousal benefits".
ChristopherHooley - heading the Corporate & Commercial practice area -- has highlightedthe continued growth of Hugill & Ip's international transactional work fromclients ranging from High Net Worth Individuals to public companies.
Moreover,Alfred Ip has added: "Hong Kong is a unique market for legal work. Its role as international hub in trade andfinance helps define its role in Dispute Resolution, with a reliable judicialsystem and well-experienced legal practitioners, a lot of them trained in otherCommon Law jurisdictions. The number ofdisputes resolved through civil litigation or arbitration is growing everyyear."
Hugill & Ip last week hasalso been awarded by Community Businessas one of the Top SME Employers in this year LGBT+ Inclusion Index, showingthat inclusion can happen regardless of the company's size. The Hong Kong LGBT+Inclusion Index is the first benchmark on LGBT+ workplace inclusion in Asia, whilethe Awards recognise the exceptional dedication and accomplishments ofindividuals and organisations in promoting LGBT+ inclusion.
Asa young independent law firm, yet its lawyers bring decades of experienceproviding bespoke legal advice and exceptional client service to individuals,families, entrepreneurs and businesses, in Hong Kong and internationally.