HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - May 20, 2019 - Trend MicroIncorporated ( TYO: 4704 ; TSE: 4704 ), a global leader in cybersecuritysolutions, today announced that it has been named aleader in enterprise email security in The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Email Security, Q2 2019 report.Trend Micro earned the highest possible score in the "technology leadership"sub-criterion (under the product strategy criterion), "deployment options" and"cloud integration," and received the highest score among all 12 appraisedvendors in the strategy category.
Forrester describes Trend Micro with comments including,"Clients cite effectiveness, ease of deployment, and configurability asstrengths." Forrester additionally said, "Enterprises seeking a solution fordefending against malicious and malware-laden emails should consider TrendMicro."
"The number one threat vector continues to be email, whichdrives our commitment to continued innovation," said Wendy Moore, VicePresident of Product Marketing for Trend Micro. "Analyst evaluations arecritical for solution assessment. In my view, this recent report takes intoaccount our newer artificial intelligence (AI) features such as writing styleanalysis and computer vision, alongside solutions to protect cloud emailplatforms like Office 365 and Gmail that collectively helped us block over 41.5billion threats in 2018."
Nearly 86% of all threats blocked by Trend Micro last year camevia email. Phishing, business email compromise (BEC), malicious URLs,malevolent attachments and accidental and deliberate data loss are all commonchallenges.
Enterprises that use Trend Micro get a winning formula ofdecades of email security expertise combined with the strategic vision toanticipate the next threats. This combination continues to position Trend Microas a forefront of the industry.
A cross-generational blend of security techniques is the bestagreed upon approach to achieve comprehensive protection against these andother threats. One of these techniques includes Writing Style DNA, anAI-powered tool which helps to spot BEC scammers by analysing email content. Todate this has identified 5,400 attacks at 160 organizations, resulting inpotential savings for customers of $858m. Another leading feature from TrendMicro blends computer vision image analysis technology with machine learning to"see" fake log-in pages, the result of this protects against phishing andaccount takeover.
Trend Micro's email security benefits from intelligence sharingacross all layers of the IT infrastructure to offer connected threat defense.It is available in multiple deployment options -- appliance (physical andvirtual), on-premises software, SaaS service, and as a hybrid solution. TrendMicro is the only vendor to offer dual layer protection via a cloud-basedAPI+SMTP solution for advanced threat protection.
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TrendMicro Incorporated, a global leader in cybersecurity solutions, helps to makethe world safe for exchanging digital information. Our innovative solutions forconsumers, businesses, and governments provide layered security for datacenters, cloud environments, networks, and endpoints. All our products worktogether to seamlessly share threat intelligence and provide a connected threatdefense with centralized visibility and control, enabling better, fasterprotection. With more than 6,000 employees in over 50 countries and the world'smost advanced global threat intelligence, Trend Micro enables organizations tosecure their journey to the cloud. Formore information, visit www.trendmicro.com.hk.