HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 24 May 2019 - The region'sgrowing vulnerability to climate-related catastrophes was chief among theurgent issues addressed at today's RICS Hong Kong Annual Conference.
Around 400 professionals assembled at the GrandHyatt Hong Kong on May 24 for the region's leading built environment summit,which was organised around the theme "Resilient and sustainable: Putting thegreen revolution at the forefront of our future".
Kickingoff the day-long programme was Guest of Honour The Honourable Matthew Cheung Kin-chung,GBM, GBS, JP, the Government of Hong Kong SAR's Chief Secretary forAdministration.
Theconference featured a packed programme of more than 20 keynote speakers and panellistsdrawn from the worlds of academic, property, government and finance. Structuredaround four key themed sections, the day began by considering the globalpicture, before outlining the role the built environment sector has to play in "future-proofing"cities.
Inrecognition of Hong Kong's role as a global financial hub, the afternoonsessions explored the part green finance can play in driving sustainability andinnovation, as well as examining ESG reporting and considering the progressmade by regional neighbours Singapore.
MrCheung said Climate change is a globalchallenge which demands immediate, decisive and robust action that requirescross-sector and cross-domain collaborations, the HKSAR government accords toppriority to formulating comprehensive and coordinated climate actions to meetthe commitments formalized under the Paris Agreement. Initiatives includesdevelopment of renewable energy by introducing Feed in Tariff (FiT) to provideincentives for the community to invest in RE, promoting energy saving andBuilding Information Modelling (BIM) in the construction industry. Hong Kong can also ride onits strength as an international financial centre and the global business hubto develop the city into a leading regional hub for green finance.
MsClare Chiu, RICS Chief Operating Officer for Greater China, said: "Hong Konghas historically enjoyed a unique geographic position, but in the face of moresevere and frequent extreme weather conditions, this prized coastal vantage nowputs the city at the frontline of the struggles ahead. Professionals in thebuilt environment sector have an integral role to play in ensuring Hong Kong isbest prepared for whatever the future may hold.
"Atthe same time, the strategic advantages Hong Kong has developed over the precedingdecades now means the city has both the ability, and the responsibility, toserve as a regional leader in the emerging green finance market -- pointing theway forward in sustainable practice for others to follow."
To download high resolution photos of the RICSAnnual Conference 2019 Hong Kong, please click HERE.
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