HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 27 May 2019 - OnMay 26, 2019, the "2019 Future Kaohsiung International Forum" namedafter the United States UN GOLBAL Super Project will be grandly opened inKaohsiung, Taiwan.
The meeting will be attended by the Kaohsiung municipal government and hosted by the Yangmingshan Future Society of Kaohsiung City.The focus of the forum is on how to promote regional development and economiccooperation in the context of the digital age. Taiwan Legislator Jason Hsu,Kaohsiung Deputy Mayor Ye Kuangshih, Asia Pacific Block Development AssociationChairman Liao Shiwei, Golden River Capital Chairman Wu Shenjun, Future SocietyHonorary Chairman, China Digital Research Institute President Zhu Jiaming, HongKong Block Association Founder Liang Jieyang, former premier of Republic ofChina, Kaohsiung Mayor Han Guoyu, dozens of government members, Asianblockchain association officials and blockchain industry opinion leaders willattend the summit forum.
As an emerging blockchain hot island, Taiwan is not only a blueocean with vast market space, but also because of Taiwan's more democratic andopen market policies. The UN GLOBAL who participates in the forum as the total-name sponsor, and isvery optimistic about this piece of land, and hopes to bring their excellentproducts and services here.
UN GLOBAL is a global blockchain integrationapplication platform from the United States. With the mission of promoting thedevelopment of blockchain technology and the development of blockchainindustry, it is committed to building a comprehensive application platform forblockchains that closely integrates the digital economy with the real economy. It will establish a decentralized, visualized, highly liberalizedblockchain, an open source community ecosystem, and a global, base-based, replicable,innovative business model. The IBS Planet Cagayan Digital Asset Free Trade Zoneis located in Santa Ana, Cagayan Special Economic Zone in the north of thePhilippines. It is only 30 minutes away from Taiwan.
IBS Planet Cagayan Digital AssetFree Trade Zone is the world's first blockchain integration applicationplatform IBS Star application project, is the world's first digital asset freetrade zone utilizing the free circulation of the stable token UC in the SantaAna Free Trade Zone with its constant value. Through the entity investmentof UNWALLET Digital Foundation (UN Foundation), it enriches regional ecologyand creates value; Then through the platform currency UNTC, outputs the value,creates a stable return for UNTC users, and ensures UN ecological security andharmonious development.
The IBSPlanet Project has received strong support from the local government ofCagayan. At present, Cagayan Special Economic Zone Government is using aforeign currency virtual cryptocurrency as a means of payment to build a seriesof commercial complexes. Upon completion of the IBS PlanetProject, foreign-invested companies and commercial complexes in the Santa AnaBay area of Cagayan Province will support UC (UnFund Foundation Business Token)payments and equity and equity management with UNTC as a fair interest. UNTCusers will hold real-name shares based on the number of UNTCs in the IBS PlanetDevelopment Program. It creates stable and long-term value returns for morethan 1 million UN members worldwide.
In addition,the cooperation of Nam Kaew Resort, an early stage project of IBS Planet, hasbeen completed and will soon support UC payment. The UnwalletFoundation's Block Chain Technology Research Institute and ArtificialIntelligence Research and Development Center will also enter IBS.
On thisoccasion, Miguel Sinclair, CEO of the UN GLOBAL Asia Pacific Region, will bringthe latest strategic adjustments of the UN to attend the conference and make aspecial speech with the Asia-Pacific development plan. He will fullydemonstrate the grand blueprint of the UN, let more people know about the UNand participate in the UN GLOBAL ecological construction.
UN GOLBALwill be willing to work with the Kaohsiung International Forum to promote thedevelopment and application of the blockchain, and use the IBS business systemto provide strong support for Kaohsiung's development, so that the planned IBSCagayan Santa Ana Digital Assets Trading Zone will obtain a bigger market andplatform.