SINGAPORE- MediaOutReach - 27 May 2019 - Genesis Healthcare Co., Japan's pioneer in genetic testing andresearch, announced Andres Iniesta as its new brand ambassador as well as asponsorship partnership with Vissel Kobe football club.
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Withimmediate effect, Vissel Kobe star midfielder Andres Iniesta becomes the brandambassador and sports consultant for Genesis Healthcare and itsdirect-to-consumer brand GeneLife. After his arrival in Japan last year, theformer FC Barcelona captain continues to turn heads with his unique playingstyle and sportsmanship that he is known for around the world.
Announcedduring the World DNA Day in Tokyo, the partnership between Andres Iniesta andGenesis Healthcare will include marketing and product development collaborationfor GeneLife, across Japan and the ASEAN region (including Singapore).
Inaddition, Genesis Healthcare has entered into sponsorship agreement with VisselKobe football club, continuing its focus in sports and entering in the field offootball for the first time.
"Weare very pleased to add Andres Iniesta as our brand ambassador and sportsconsultant. Beyond a stellar performance and an exceptional football career,Iniesta's personality and values really resonates with our company's vision ofcelebrating humanity and leveraging genetic science to improve one's lifestyleand health", commented Michel Mommejat,CMO of Genesis Healthcare. "We are expanding rapidly across the ASEANregion and having a brand ambassador with global status is also a great valueadd to further increase our awareness".
"Iam extremely excited to be part of the Genesis Healthcare and GeneLife family",commented Andres Iniesta. "It isvery exciting to be associated with such an innovative biotech company,contributing to the advancement of preventive and personalized wellness.Understanding oneself to continuously enhancing and improving one's health andlifestyle".
Genesis Healthcare and GeneLife offer a range of innovative genetictesting kits to consumers to learn from their DNA. Driving further innovationin its category, the company also announced today the launch of a new wellnessmobile application powered by genetics. Allowing its users to access theirgenetic results on their phone and receive personalized wellness advice andrecommendations to enhance their health and lifestyle. Covering health,nutrition, fitness, beauty and personality, users are able to move a stepfurther towards preventive and personalized wellness.
Genesis Healthcare Co.,Ltd. was founded in 2004 and is dedicated to maintaining its position as aleading company from Japan that provides a full range of research and testingto clients through a wide range of testing platforms and services. Known as thebiggest player specializing in genetic research and analysis (for both B2B andB2C), Genesis Healthcare has the largest genetic database domestically(including Asia) based on its own analysis and collaborative researchachievements and is also doing its own in-house research aimed at a wide rangeof medical and research institutions. In addition, through its dailyprogressive research over the last 15 years, Genesis Healthcare aims to enrichthe lives of everyone and enable them to take charge of their future throughthe in-depth offerings and services of its Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) genetictesting kit called "GeneLife".
About Andres Iniesta
Informationand biography of Andres Iniesta can be found at the following site https://www.andresiniesta.es/en/
About Vissel Kobe
Informationabout Vissel Kobe can be found at the following site https://www.vissel-kobe.co.jp/en/