JOHANNESBURG,SOUTH AFRICA - Media OutReach - 28 May 2019 - The secondannual Digital Transformation Congress, returns to Johannesburg after a successful summit in 2018attended by seniorbusiness executives & enterprise IT vendors from leading organisations suchas Petro SA, Transnet, Nedbank, Sasria SOC, Eskom, L'Oreal,Liberty Group, Alexander Forbes, Parmalat, Adobe, T-Systems, TransUnion,Braintree, Darktrace, and more.
Hosted by IT News Africa, thisyear's summit will take place on the 30th of July 2019, at TheSandton Convention Centre under the theme "Gainingthe edge through technology"
Albeit a buzzword in business- withits all encompassing nature, the concept of digital transformation is one thatis not wholly understood - proving to be both a great opportunity as well as amajor challenge for businesses. In order to adapt and innovate in the everchanging technology landscape it is imperative that organisations adopt digitalinitiatives that are positioned in line with their company culture and customerneeds.
The 2nd Digital TransformationCongress is one of the most comprehensive technologyevents of 2019, where hundreds of senior executives will meet to advance theirknowledge of the latest business technologies and digital innovations such as AI, IoT, Blockchain, IT security, 5G and robotics, and how theyimpact business operations. The congress will also outline waysthat businesses can use technology to gain the edge over competitors.
Key topics for DTC 2019 include:
Preparingyour workforce for the digital age
Discoveringwhat digital transformation maturity is and highlighting its benefits
Exploringthe business impact of AI
Usingcloud as a digital transformation tool
Digitallytransforming the manufacturing industry
Digitalopportunities in the transportation and logistics sector
Acceleratingdigital transformation in government to enhance service delivery
The conference will host localand international visionaries, business leaders, industry luminaries and expertpractitioners -- all sharing their first-hand knowledge of real-world digitaltransformation journeys.
Confirmed speakers for DTC 2019 include:
JOHANNA KOLLAR -Head of Products Partnerships, MEAat Google
MAYUR PATEL -CEO of Kwese iFlix
ANEESA AMEER -Innovation Lead at ABSA Group
JOSEPH HUNDAH -Group CEO at Econet Media
NATHAN van ROOYEN -IIT Director at Virgin Active, SouthAfrica
ANTOINIA NORMAN -CEO, Richard BransonEntrepreneurship Hub, Member at UN Women
ANDRE HUGO -CEO at Virgin Money South Africa
How to participate:
Joinas an attendee: Join local and international CxOs, line-of-business (LoB)executives as well as heads of innovation, technology and strategy to discussthe techniques and tools required to implement a seamless digitaltransformation strategy that will drive profitability and customer centricity.
Joinus as an exhibitor: Showcase your technology innovations, projects, and solutions.Put your organisation, company or SME at the centre of this one-of-a-kindgathering. Find new partnerships, investors, leads, and opportunities
For more information regarding the conference, visit: https://www.digitaltransformationcongress.com/
For sponsorships & exhibitions, visit: https://www.digitaltransformationcongress.com/sponsor/
To register, visit: https://www.digitaltransformationcongress.com/register/