SINGAPORE - Media OutReach -28 May 2019 - Regulatory complianceconsulting firm, Argus Global Pte Ltd, has fully integrated 2 business acquisitions.The first was Ace Success Pte Ltd, a Singapore based secretarial, accountingand tax practices company. The secondwas Argus Compliance India Private Limited, a subsidiary company, based inIndia, offering a multi-disciplinary and comprehensive bouquet of services in Singaporeand India.
"The company isalready looking to expand in Asia within three years and has set a revenuetarget of S$50 million within five years." said CEO Sachin Gandhi.
Argus Global's clientelesin Singapore are mostly entities who are regulated or are desirous to beregulated by Monetary Authority of Singapore ("MAS") effective FinancialInstitutions. They provide a full suite of services right from cradle tonirvana including licensing, building compliance policy and procedures, takingcare of ongoing compliance for the regulated entity, trainings, internal auditsand other regulatory compliance matters. This corporate services acquisition providesthem the entire corporate compliances suite that complements their currentservices.
The company, currentlybootstrapped by the promoters, is in the process of closing another transactionwithin the next month and another 2 by the next quarter.
While details are notavailable, Mr. Gandhi said these acquisitions would focus on the services andregions where Argus Global wants to grow in, such as creating a presence inHong Kong, adding Environment Sustainability Consulting to theirrepertoire.
"We at the onset haveclear strategic roadmap and post setting up the business organically we havenow started executing it. The compliance consulting and corporate servicesmarket in ASEAN market is fairly large, albeit very fragmented with thousandsof practices of various sizes providing different levels of services atdramatically different prices levels. These can be the very small players whodo not provide all aspects of service required to cater to the client andregulator's need to large law firms which tend to be fairly transactional andquite expensive versus a boutique consulting firm as Argus Global." Said Mr.Gandhi.
At the same time, the Singaporemarket is expanding with new initiatives such as Variable Capital Company ("VCC"),which should see a lot of Fund business move from Cayman and Mauritius. ThePayment Services Act will bring a lot Digital Assets under the umbrella of MASregulation.
On the opposite end ofthe spectrum, Anti-Money Laundering have significantly tightened for corporateservice providers, thus increasing fixed overheads. The relevant systems andprocesses in place right from the beginning befits Argus Global's expertise as acompliance consultant to regulated financial institutions. The company seesopportunities in consolidating such various services as the industry strugglesto manage the pressures of operation with the new standards in place.
Argus Global is alsoconsidering raising equity in the short term to fund its aggressive expansionplans.
Argus Global started operations in 4th Quarterof 2017. The company specializes in regulatorycompliance and provides objective insights, subject expertise and a simpleapproach to all compliance related needs. The diversified client basespans from start-ups to mature businesses. Argus partners withclients to serve all their compliance needs from the initial phase ofsetting up, licensing, policy building, as well as procedures for ongoing support,training, audit, risk management and governance.
For more information please visit: https://www.argusglobal.co/