, together with the company’s management, celebrates the historic moment at CTF Life’s suite at KTSP.)

TOKYO, JAPAN - Media OutReach - 29 May2019 - Azbil Corporation (TOKYO:6845) today announced that it was one of the sponsors of the Nikkei-NUSEnterprise FORUM 2019: "Redefining the Smart City for Inclusive UrbanDevelopment - City Innovations," a forum held at the National Universityof Singapore on May 28 focused on the development of smart cities in SoutheastAsia and Japan.
The forum, organized byNikkei Asian Review, National University of Singapore, Nikkei IntelligenceGroup, and Nikkei Construction, gathered industry experts and business leadersfrom Southeast Asia and Japan to promote the growth of smart cities, not only throughenabling attendees to share insights and best practices but also through facilitatingbusiness matching and technology exchange.
Azbil, a leading company inbuilding and industrial automation, contributes to the development of smartcities through its measurement and control technologies, the foundation ofautomation. The sponsorship is part of Azbil's commitment to help bring aboutits vision of a "super-smart society"--an idea first proposed by the Japanesegovernment--through cutting-edge automation technologies. Kiyohiro Yamamoto,Azbil's Managing Executive Officer of Corporate Planning, delivered apresentation on smarter ways to build smart cities.
"We are excited to have sponsoredthe Nikkei-NUS Enterprise FORUM. It is only fitting that the event took placein Singapore, which is a leader in smart city innovation," said Mr. Yamamoto. "Theirplans for the future align with Azbil's vision of helping bring about a 'super-smartsociety' and we will continue with renewed efforts to provide solutions toachieve that vision."
Other speakers included Mr.Kok Yam Tan, Deputy Secretary, Smart Nation and Digital Government, SingaporePrime Minister's Office; Mr. Tai Lee Siang, Executive Director, Building andConstruction Authority; and Mr. Yukihisa Tokunaga, Deputy Director-General,Engineering Affairs, Japan's Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport andTourism. Presentations covered a wide range of topics such as the roles to beplayed by artificial intelligence, the internet of things, 3D experience, andother technologies in both the public and private sectors.
Azbil Corporation is aleading company in building and industrial automation, using its measurementand control technologies to provide customers with high value-added solutionsto make their operations more efficient and sustainable. Founded in 1906, Azbilserves customers across the globe in a broad range of industries and aims tocontribute to people's safety, comfort and fulfillment, and globalenvironmental preservation. At the end of March 2019, Azbil employed 9,600people worldwide and generated JPY262 billion in revenue.
For more information, pleasevisit https://www.azbil.com.