HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 1 December 2018- Organised by HongKong Design Centre, "Business of Design Week" (BODW) is Asia's leading annualevent on design, innovation and brands highly regarded by the industry. Inorder to bring design closer to the general public, Hong Kong Design Centrefurther extends the concept of BODW and proudly presents the "BODW CityProgramme" (or "CityProg" for short), a citywide creative and businesscommunity activation programmed with the aim to engage public, activate thecommunity and foster collaboration with local businesses and brands. As BODWCityProg's Partner City this year, the Australian city of Melbourne fullysupports CityProg.
"BODW CityProg" will partner andcollaborate with different brands, businesses, organisations and institutionsacross the city to organise an exciting mix of happenings at anchor sites andsatellite sites, especially around Wan Chai. The project is all-inclusive,including 10 "anchor sites" in 5 of Hong Kong's districts, hosting a series ofdesign festivals. It will also connect over 200 exciting satellite events suchas exhibitions, creative markets, workshops, shopping and dining offers fromfeatured shops and restaurants in town as well as collect and line-up differentcreative units to deliver diversified public education programmes to encouragepublic participation and foster design thinking. Highlights include the debutexhibition of the BODW speaker ENESS's multimedia design installation "SonicLight Bubble" and the 14-metre-high "Golden Monkey" installation created by theAustralian artist Lisa Roet, Melbourne Fashion Showcase as well as theAugmented Reality (AR) project "HKACT! Act 1 BeHere by Masaki Fujihata"featured in satellite event Design District Hong Kong (#ddHK), which connectspast, present and future of Hong Kong using new media and digital design.
In celebration of this special event,Hong Kong Design Centre invited Ms. Lisa Rankin, Deputy Commissioner of theVictoria State Government, and Professor Eric Yim, Chairman of the Hong KongDesign Centre to officiate the Welcome Party of BODW CityProg today (1December) at No.7 Mallory Street, Wan Chai.
Professor Eric Yim said, "Design is everywhere,influencing every aspect of our lives, from our urban environments to our homesto our clothes to our food. It's also an important contributor to the economiesof cities like Hong Kong and Melbourne. With that in mind, the Business ofDesign Week's City Programme, which is organised by the Hong Kong DesignCentre, aims to bring design closer to the general public of this city,engaging them, and reminding them of its importance, while also helping tofoster collaboration among local businesses and brands. It does that in acouple of different ways. First of all, our 10 anchor sites around Hong Kongare covering over 100 individual happenings and guided tours. On top of that,there are also events at nearly 200 satellite sites around the city, featuringshopping and dining offers, and community education projects."
Through a series of creative collisions,"BODW CityProg" encourages local creative organisations, brands and designersto use their imaginations and expressions, and to enhance their contact,connections and collaboration with the industry and the public, so that localdesign can be continuously improved, not only at the level of industry andcommerce, but may also practically and flexibly integrate into the daily livingof the people of Hong Kong. Ultimately, the connotation of design can spread,take root and grow in an ever-changing social environment.
If you areinterested in learning more about the different "BODW CityProg" events, you maynow log in to the following official channels to explore the many surprises ofeach participating district anytime, anywhere!
The 6-metre-diametre "Sonic Light Bubble"installation created by designers hailing from Melbourne, BODW Partner City,makes its debut in Hong Kong
As BODW PartnerCity this year, the Australian city of Melbourne fully supports CityProg bybringing to Hong Kong the multimedia design installation "Sonic Light Bubble"for its first time. Designed by the Australian design studio ENESS, headed bythe award-winning interactive experience designer Nimrod Weis, the6-metre-diametre bubble is installed with numerous LED plates and able torespond to visitors' touches or approach with light and sounds just like anorganic self-illuminated object. Come and immerse into pulses of light at No. 7Mallory Street in Wan Chai until 9 December, to take inspiration from thedesigner Nimrod Weis and see how he and his team shed light on the coalescenceof design and technology.
A 14-meter-high "Golden Monkey" inflatablesculpture climbing on the façade of H CODE in Central, provoking reflections onhumans and nature
Australian artistLisa Roet works closely with primatologists and taxonomists to blend bothscience and creativity in her practice as an artist. Her intimate contact withprimates, apes and monkeys gives Lisa Roet's work a unique artistic appeal.This time, she will bring her sculpture "Golden Monkey" to Hong Kong. Theinflatable golden monkey with a height of 14 metres will be displayed fromtoday to 28 February 2019, climbing to 75 metres above the ground on H CODE'shigh façade. H CODE is located close to the highest point of Pottinger Street.It is a landmark that combines activities such as creativity, work andentertainment, which promises to attract public attention.
This work isbased on the endangered Burmese Golden Sneezing Snub-Nosed Monkey, whose noseand long tail are the most prominent features of this species. Although humanshave only discovered this monkey species not long ago, the number of BurmeseGolden Sneezing Snub-Nosed Monkeys is extremely limited, and they currentlyonly exist in southern China and parts of Vietnam and Myanmar. As the habitatcontinues to encounter deforestation, the fate of the endangered GoldenSneezing Snub-Nosed Monkey is uncertain. A notable feature of the primates isthat they sneeze. The artist aims at combining the image of the Burmese GoldenSneezing Snub-Nosed Monkey with the bustling metropolis, and trying tostimulate discussions about the relationship between urban development and theenvironment, humans and Mother Nature, and the question of sustainability.
Melbourne fashionshowcase in Hong Kong and unlock new fashion inspirations
Melbourneis known as Australia's 'fashion capital' and the Melbourne Fashion Showcasecelebrates the depth, diversity and creativity of fashion from Melbourne, inthe city's biggest-ever international fashion showcase. This dedicated programmebrings together almost 90 fashion and accessory designers at No.7 MalloryStreet in Wan Chai from 1 to 9 December. From the luxury and bespoke toemerging labels and First Peoples-designed fashion, the showcase also featuresworks by students from two of Melbourne's top fashion schools and emergingdesigners.
Anchor SiteFestivals Connecting the City's Cultural and Creative Scenes
Aiming atcreating a creative atmosphere across the city, Hong Kong Design Centre willpartner with a number of local creative sites to launch various one-to-two-daycreative festivals or large-scale cultural and creative events in thelocalities in early December. Each location will offer innovative experienceson different themes, including special exhibition installations, guidedcommunity cultural tours, creative workshops, etc., to stimulate imaginationsand embrace good designs in life. Participating units include 7 Mallory Street,Artists Co-op, D2 Place, Foo Tak Building, JCCAC, Blue House, The Mills, WhiteDo Lab, PlayDepot, and Wontonmeen.
"#ddHK DesignDistrict Hong Kong" Commissioned Work in Wan Chai--Connecting Past, Present andFuture by digital art "Augmented Reality"
Satellite event"#ddHK" commissioned work "HKACT! ACT 1 BeHere by Masaki Fujihata" is a publicart project using an AR (Augmented Reality) smartphone application. New mediaartist Masaki Fujihata took reference from photographs of old Hong Kong andoral interviews with local and elderly residents. Based on their stories, hedirected actors to retrieve memories of the past, reimage and recreate thescenes by using photogrammetry and transformed the snapshots into 3D data.Users are able to play with these 3D figures through the AR smartphone app andcompose with different backgrounds and share the photos onto social media. TheAR project act as a new form of archive to record and preserve the intangiblecultural heritage of Hong Kong. The first-hand observations about life in WanChai are used in this project as the building blocks for a Meta-Monument thatsymbolises an entire community.
As theCommissioned Work of #ddHK 2018/19, BeHere is set up along the historicalcoastline in Wan Chai at 10 locations from Blue House to Dominion Garden,connecting the route full of local history and urban development of thecommunity, enlightening the public space with creative placemaking. Whilesmartphones are becoming "pocket museum", tourists and public can interact andexperience the local stories in 1940s to 1970s by this new media platform toconvey and reconstruct memories from the past and create new memories as anarchive for the future, as a unique tourism experience.
Satellite Eventsthroughout Hong Kong to Discover Creative New Ideas in Each District
As an important culturaland creative area in Hong Kong, the "BODW CityProg" events will use Wan Chai asthe main base. The creative factors will be spread to all other districts inHong Kong and various design exchange activities will be held, includingcreative markets, workshops, studio open days, exhibitions, sharing sessions,lectures, on-trade exchanges, etc. Creative design ideas will surely prosper invarious communities!
◇ Luen CheongLeather Co. Ltd.: The 70-year-old Luen Cheong Leather Co. Ltd. was establishedin 1948 in Hong Kong, and remains to be one of the earliest leather goodstraders in town. For many years, Luen Cheong has insisted on selling only "Madein Hong Kong" leather goods as well as the nearly lost "tanned" leatherproducts. The shop is now being managed by the third generation. At this event,Luen Cheong will open its studio to let the public participate in a uniqueclassroom experience. Through personal participation in the production process,participants will experience first-hand the leathercraft of this 70-year-oldbrand. It is definitely a must-go event for all hipsters in town!
◇ Design Pier: Ifyou love pondering about life, you must not miss Design Pier's internationalfurniture exhibition with the theme of "MADE BY HER". Design Pier has gathered20 unique design items created by female designers in 10 countries. It hopesthat, from the appreciation process, the public will understand that the genderof the designer does not really influence the nature of the designs, and thatthe story of each home furniture carries a story. It also allows you tounderstand the ups and downs in life help achieve the beauty and goodness ofthe world.
SpecialOffers in the City's Hottest Stores, e.g. Special Discount on Italian CuisinePrepared by a Michelin-Starred Chef
"BODW CityProg"covers "clothing", "food", "housing", "education" and "travel", not to mentionthe many offers from the city's hottest stores. Hong Kong Design Centre hasgathered a series of exciting offers from different merchants and restaurantsin town for the public. Simply register at the "BODW CityProg" website duringthe event and you will get exclusive coupons sent to your registered emailaddress to enjoy the special shopping and dining offers at our partnermerchants and restaurants.
Recommendationsfor the "Shopaholics":
◇ Wai Chi Street Playground: Thisstylish living grocery store in Shek Kip Mei specializes in "mountain" goods(i.e. cleaning and cooking tools hand-made with natural materials from themountain such as bamboo, grass, rattan, wood, incense etc.) as well as steeltools. The shop combines "redux" Hong Kong style and Japanese minimalism in itsdecoration, which is definitely distinctive in the neighbourhood, and hasbecome a treasure hunt for people place emphasis on the quality of life. Duringthe event, all regular-priced items will be sold at 10% off.
◇ Artisenses Limited: Artisensesis a Hong Kong-based bespoke perfume expert. Their first-of-it-kind "Scent Bar"service, provided by perfumers who have been rigorously trained, designsexclusive fragrances for customers according to their personality traits andcolour preferences, among other factors. The perfumers lead the customers towander between ten different fragrances. The process resembles going into alaboratory filled with fragrances. After the perfume is blended, the perfumewill be named after the name of the customer. During the event, the secondproduct will enjoy a 50% off. So why don't you take your significant half orsomeone beloved to explore your very own aromas!
Recommendations for the "Foodies":
◇ Si Simply Italian Restaurant:Located in Phase II of D2 Place in Lai Chi Kok, "Si Simply Italian Restaurant"has always adhered to the principle of "authentic Italian tastes". Therestaurant has proudly invited Stefano Masnati, a chef having worked for IlCantinone, an eatery awarded 1 Michelin star for 10 consecutive years, to jointhe team as Consultant Chef. During the event, you can enjoy a 20% discount onmain courses and drinks, to sample premium quality and authentic Italian dishesat affordable prices.
◇ Herbaceous Teas: At "HerbaceousTeas", herbal teas using top-grade medicinal herbs and traditional recipes aresold in fashionable packaging to appeal to the younger generation. The teas aremanually made in Hong Kong every day. The brand has attracted many youngcustomers since its opening in 2013. During the event, in addition to offeringa 20% discount on regular-priced items, "Herbaceous Teas" will also hold a rare"herbal tea workshop" to educate the public on basic Chinese herbal medicineknowledge, simple herbal tea and food pairing techniques, an introduction tothe "prescription" process and the art of herbal tea appreciation.
Community Education Projects
In addition to the exciting activities andoffers mentioned above, Hong Kong Design Centre has also organised a variety ofeducational projects such as design competitions and community parentingactivities, to attract people of different walks of life and ages toparticipate and stimulate their design thinking.
About Business Of Design Week (BODW)
Business of Design Week (BODW) waslaunched in 2002 and is as an annual international flagship event organised byHong Kong Design Centre (HKDC). As a leading event on design, innovationand brands, it provides a valuable platform for participants to network,exchange ideas and explore business cooperation. With Create Hong Kong as themajor sponsor, BODW each year attracts to Hong Kong outstanding internationaldesigners and influential design thinkers who inspire with their creativethinking and design management expertise.
About BODW City Programme (CityProg)
BODW City Programme (CityProg) is a citywide creative and businesscommunity activation programme with the aim to engage public, activate the communityand foster collaboration with local businesses and brands.
As an extension of Business of Design Week (BODW), Asia's leadingannual event on design, innovation and brands organised by Hong Kong DesignCentre, CityProg will partner and collaborate with different brands,businesses, organisations and institutions to organise an exciting mix ofhappenings at anchor sites and satellite sites, especially around Wan Chai,from November to January every year with the peak during BODW period (1-9 December,2018), to connect the city's creative power, lift up creative vibe andcelebrate good designs and innovations with a vision to establish Hong Kong asthe creative hub of Asia.
About Hong Kong Design Centre
Hong Kong Design Centre (HKDC) was founded in 2001 as a strategicpartner of the HKSAR Government in establishing Hong Kong as centre of designexcellence in Asia. HKDC continues its public mission to promote wider andstrategic use of design and design thinking to create business value andimprove societal well-being. Our initiatives are anchored by five major workdirections: CONNECT, CELEBRATE, NURTURE, ADVANCE and ENGAGE.
HKDC's flagship programmes include Business of Design Week (since2002) -- Asia's leading annual conference and event on Design, Innovation andBrands; DFA Awards (since 2003) -- a widely recognised design awards thatcelebrates outstanding designs with Asian perspectives; Design IncubationProgramme (since 2012) and Fashion Incubation Programme (since 2016) -- 2-yearincubation programmes to nurture 4 future design and fashion entrepreneurs;FASHION ASIA HONGKONG (since 2016) -- a fashion initiative combiningconversations, interactions and cultural exchanges to energise the city'simage, and position it as an Asian hub for fashion trade and businessdevelopment; Knowledge of Design Week (since 2006) -- an annual thematic designknowledge sharing platform that explores how design can solve complexchallenges of our society.