Growing potential for Building InformationModelling in land development, construction and property laid bare by leadingsurveyors
HONG KONG, CHINA - MediaOutReach - 30 November 2018 - The mounting influence of Building Information Modelling (BIM)technology on crafting, building and managing communities was spelled out atthe first BIM Conference 2018, hosted by the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors(HKIS).
Recognised as the largest body for Hong Kong's surveying professionals, theHKIS' move to establish a brand new annual event focusing exclusively on BIM isa clear indication of the growing potential and opportunities offered bydigital modelling of the built environment.
More than 150 specialists, professionals and academics turned out at theZero Carbon Building, in Kowloon Bay, for the debut conference, which featureda pertinent roster of guest speakers who explored how BIM can be applied inincreasingly broader and more inventive situations, exploring the officialtheme "The Dream Role of Surveyors inBIM for Land Development, Construction and Property Life Cycle".
A captivating, opening keynote address was delivered by Ms Ada YS Fung, BBS, the Chairperson of theConstruction Industry Council's Committee on Building Information Modelling,before the HKIS divisional representatives addressed existing and potentialapplications of BIM relating to their specialist areas in a series ofinsightful talks. Earlier, the programme began with an opening speech by the HKIS Vice-President Sr Winnie Shiu.
Sr Cheu Yuk Yi,Yvonne, Vice Chairman of the Land Surveying Division, explored the possibilities of Enriching BIM with GeospatialInformation, while Sr Yew Yat Ming,Edmond, Chairman of the Planning and Development Division, asked: HowTechnology Shapes our City? -- from Planning and Development Perspectives.
Later, Building SurveyingDivision Chairman Sr Tse Chi Kin, Kenny, addressed the topic Beyond Designand Project Management, while Sr ChoiShing Lam, Sunny, Vice Chairman of Quantity Surveying Division, probed thefuture of the quantity surveying profession with a talk asking: What's Next forQS in the Digital Era?
Lastly, Sr Hui Wah Lun, Daniel,Chairman of the Property and Facility Management Division, exploredHolistic Approaches and the Application of BIM on the PFM Perspective, beforethe closing remarks of BIM Committee ChairmanSr YY Yip.
Sr YY Yip said: "The HKIS has always sought to provide its members, andthe wider surveying community, with access to and know-how about the mostimportant innovations and newest technologies."
"Over the past ten years, BIM has played an increasingly important rolein the work of surveyors and the construction industry alike, which is why werealised it was time to establish a specialist conference exploring thedevelopment and operation of BIM across the whole life cycle of propertydevelopment."
"I'm confident that all the attendees at HKIS' first BIM Conference 2018left today better equipped to harness the possibilities of BIM, helping themimprove the quality and efficiency of property development for years to come.It's time to unleash the power of BIM for all."
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About theHong Kong Institute of Surveyors
Established in 1984, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyorsis the only surveying professional body incorporated by ordinance in Hong Kong. As of 19 October 2018, the number ofmembers reached 10,217 including 6,782Corporate Members consisting Fellows and Members -- distinguished by theinitials FHKIS and MHKIS; 77 AssociateMembers -- distinguished by the initials AMHKIS; and 3,358probationers and student members. The Institute's work includes settingstandards for professional services and performance, establishing codes ofethics, determining requirements for admission as professional surveyors, access and award the professional qualification, and advance members' professional knowledge, technical and servicesstandards throughcontinuing professional development.
The Institute has an important consultative role in government policy makingand on issues affecting the profession. We have advised the Government onissues such as unauthorized building works, building safety campaign, problemsof property management, town planning and development strategies, constructionquality and housing problems. We are working on amendments to standard forms ofbuilding contract and have issued guidance notes on floor area measurementmethods.
For more details, please visit the HKIS websiteat https://www.hkis.org.hk.