Visitors to Hong Kong can now discover Hong Kongthrough the contrasting lenses of the "OnePlace, Two Perspectives" narrative. Contrasting city views with verdant mountains, and traditional villageswith natural flora and fauna, the stories will present Hong Kong as ajaw-dropping visual dichotomy.
Thesetales of contrasts will celebrate the hard-to-believe fact that about three-quarters of Hong Kong's landmassis actually countryside, and the hiking trails are easily accessible from anycorner of the city.
"We aredelighted to be working with a powerful brand like National Geographic, whichhas a huge number of followers, who enjoy traveling and adventures," saysAnthony Lau, Executive Director of the HKTB. "In this fresh attempt to showcaseHong Kong's natural beauty through stunning photography and inspiring storiesby some of the world's top photographers, we hope to encourage visitors todiscover another side of cosmopolitan Hong Kong during the hiking season fromNovember to March."
"As acommunity of bold explorers with an insatiable curiosity, there's nothing welike more than showing people new perspectives on the world around them," says ConApostolopoulos, Senior Vice President, National Geographic Partners, AsiaPacific & the Middle East. "Partnering with HKTB is a fantastic opportunityto transform the way people think about Hong Kong; showing off its contrastingurban and rural beauty in a new light through the lens of talentedphotographers and explorers."
"OnePlace, Two Perspectives" will be presented by French photographer Matthieu Paley, one of the Nat Geocontributing photographers, who will capture Hong Kong UNESCO Global Geopark; National Geographic award-winning photographer Tugo Cheng, whose background in architecture gives his work aunique aesthetic, who will take his camera to Plover Cove Country Park; and trail runner Wyan Chow Pui-yan, who placed 17th in the Ultra TrailWorld Tour, will lead the Nat Geo team into Tai Mo Shan, the city's tallest mountain.
YourGuide to Hiking & Cycling in Hong Kong is available for download at https://www.discoverhongkong.com/eng/plan-your-trip/travel-kit/guides.jsp#outdoors