HONGKONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - November 30, 2018 - Mayer Brown held its fifth annual "In theKnow" cocktail fundraiser on 14 November at The China Club, supporting 2018beneficiary the Asian University for Women (AUW), whichis equipping future leaders for change in corners of the world that need itmost.
The event was arecord-setting success, raising over US$46,000 that will be dedicated tounderwriting scholarships for promising young women to attend the liberal artsuniversity.
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"At Mayer Brown, weare committed to making a difference and this year, AUW was the beneficiary ofour In The Know annual fundraiser. We are thrilled with the results ofthis year's In the Know cocktail party. The generosity shown by our clients,friends and partners toward AUW exceeded all our expectations. We have raisedenough money to fund three full scholarships at AUW," said Gabriela Kennedy, partnerat Mayer Brown and co-chair of Mayer Brown's "In the Know" committee.
Mayer Brown'snetworking forum "In the Know" brings together senior executive womenfrom different industries and backgrounds, for a series of thought provokingevents throughout the year, culminating in a fundraiser for a chosen charity.
Ms. Kennedywelcomed the guests with colleague Mark Uhrynuk, who serves on the board of theAUW Hong Kong Support Foundation. They introduced two AUW graduates interningin Hong Kong to share their stories, aspirations and gratitude. The evening featured a live and silentauction with luxury goods, travel packages and exclusive Hong Kong experienceson offer, and a local fortuneteller and caricature artist entertainedguests.
On behalf of AUWHong Kong Support Foundation, Chairperson Lynne Anne Davis accepted thegenerous proceeds from the evening.
The funds raised atthis year's event are especially meaningful, as the scholarships will beexpressly dedicated to AUW's Pathways for Promise program, which providesaccess to education for talented women from severely marginalized communities,including Rohingya refugees, garment factory workers, and women fromhigh-conflict zones in the Middle East.
Mayer Brown is aproud partner of AUW, and itssupport of the university ranges from providing pro bono legal counsel toannual sponsorship of the AUW gala benefit. In 2018, Mayer Brownwelcomed an AUW student from Bangladesh as an intern in the Hong Kong office.This year, Mayer Brown's "In the Know" forum named AUW as the solebeneficiary for all fundraising activities in 2018.
About Mayer Brown
Mayer Brown is uniquely positioned toadvise the world's leading companies and financial institutions on their mostcomplex deals and disputes. With extensive reach across four continents, we arethe only integrated law firm in the world with approximately 200 lawyers ineach of the world's three largest financial centers--New York, London and HongKong--the backbone of the global economy. We have deep experience in high-stakeslitigation and complex transactions across industry sectors, including oursignature strength, the global financial services industry. Our diverse teamsof lawyers are recognized by our clients as strategic partners with deepcommercial instincts and a commitment to creatively anticipating their needsand delivering excellence in everything we do. Our "one-firm" culture--seamlessand integrated across all practices and regions--ensures that our clientsreceive the best of our knowledge and experience.
About "In the Know"
"Inthe Know" is Mayer Brown's exclusive forum for professional women, bringingtogether senior executive women from different industries and backgrounds sothat they can share their knowledge, interests and insights in respect of arange of topical matters.
About Asian University for Women
Foundedin 2008 and located in Chittagong, Bangladesh, Asian University for Women isthe first of its kind: a regional institution dedicated to women'seducation and leadership development -- international in outlook, but rooted inthe contexts and aspirations of the people of Asia. Students from 15countries attend AUW. This University exists solely to support a risingnetwork of women leaders, entrepreneurs and change makers from across theregion. It seeks out women who have significant academic potential anddemonstrate courage and a sense of outrage at injustice and are empathic to thewoes of other people. A majority of AUW's students are first in theirfamily to enter university; 98% of AUW's students are on full or near-fullscholarship funded by private donors from around the world. A majority ofAUW graduates find employment in the private sector in their home countrieswhile about 25% go on to pursue graduate studies. AUW graduates or formerstudents have been admitted to Stanford, Oxford, Columbia, Brandeis, Surrey anda host of other leading universities in the world.
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