HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 27 September 2018 - Chris Brooke FRICS hastoday officially been inaugurated as RICS(Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) President at a ceremony in HongKong, beginning his term for the 2018-2019 year.
Mr. Brooke is a chartered surveyor andco-founder of Brooke Husband Limited, a property consulting firm based in HongKong. He succeeds John Hughes, who led RICS throughout its 150thanniversary year.
Commenting, new RICS President Chris Brookesays:
"I am very proud to call myself a charteredsurveyor as well as to be a member of RICS, and therefore the opportunity toserve as President is a great honour and privilege. This is an incrediblyexciting time to be a member of our profession, with the world growing andchanging so rapidly. Professionals operating within the natural and builtenvironments are at the heart of some of the great challenges of our time,including urbanisation, climate change, and technological development.
"The surveying profession and RICS as ourglobal professional body both have a critical role to play in tackling theseissues. By setting and enforcing standards that give confidence to markets andby putting people at the heart of what we do, we will have a positive impact onthe future direction of all the regions of the world in which RICS operates.
"We are currently one of the most trustedprofessions in the world, but that does not mean this will always be the case.With the world changing in so many ways it is critical that we never rest onour laurels.
"That is why I will be focusing on three keyareas during my term -- promoting and highlighting the value of the workundertaken by surveyors, making sure our profession is prepared for the future,and speaking out on the big issues of our time. Members of RICS have beenshaping the world for 150 years. The opportunities which lie ahead are immense,and I am confident that we can and will embrace them."
During his presidential year Mr. Brooke will besupported by President-Elect Tim Neal FRICS and Senior Vice President KathFontana FRICS.
Mr. Brooke was born in the United Kingdom andmoved to Hong Kong with his parents in 1979 and spent 2002--2013 working inBeijing. He is married to Christine and has two teenage children.
Notes to Editors
1. RICS promotes and enforces the highestprofessional qualifications and standards in the valuation, development andmanagement of land, real estate, construction and infrastructure. Our namepromises the consistent delivery of standards -- bringing confidence to marketsand effecting positive change in the built and natural environments.
2. FRICS is an abbreviation for Fellow of theRoyal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, and is the highest level ofqualification offered by RICS. It is an honoured class of membership awarded on the basis of individualachievement within the profession. More information on RICS qualifications is available at rics.org/qualifications
3. Thenew presidential team:
Mr Chris Brooke FRICS --RICS President
Chris is the Co-Founderof Brooke Husband Ltd, a consulting firm based in Hong Kong, which providesstrategic market insight, development consulting and investment advisory servicesto real estate owners, developers and investors throughout the Asia Pacificregion.
Prior to becomingPresident of RICS, Chris was the Chair of RICS Asia Pacific World RegionalBoard, a member of RICS Governing Council, and has served as Interim Secretaryto the Profession for the past year.
During his year as RICSPresident, Chris will be leading the ongoing efforts of RICS to adapt both theorganisation and the profession to reflect the continuously changing businessenvironment. This is so both can succeed in meeting the challenges posed to thebuilt and natural environment by rapid urbanisation, climate change,digitalisation, evolving business models and new consumer habits.
Chris was born in theUnited Kingdom and moved to Hong Kong with his parents in 1979. He has lived inHong Kong since that time, with the exception of the period between 2002 and2013, when he was based in Beijing. He is married to Christine and has twoteenage children, Abi and Alex.
Tim Neal FRICS - RICS President-Elect
Tim isthe President and CEO of CallisonRTKL, Arcadis' global architecture and designpractice.
Previouslythe Global Director of Buildings at Arcadis and the head of UK and EuropeanRegions at EC Harris, Tim is an internationally recognised leader with morethan three decades of experience in the buildings market, large-firm operationsand talent management.
Tim is a Board Trustee andSecretary of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, a Fellow of RICSand until November 2017 was a member of their Global Regulatory Board.
KathFontana FRICS -- RICS Senior Vice President
Kathis a Chartered Facilities ManagementSurveyorwith over 25 years' experience of delivering Facilities and Asset Managementsolutions working for blue chip companies such as Serco, Aspire DefenceServices, Interserve and BAM Construct UK. She is currently Managing Director of ISS Technical Services.
Shehas extensive experience of managing complex programmes and service delivery atsenior level across UK and within multiple industry sectors, including defence,local and central government, financial and professional services. She is passionate about diversity, propertytechnology and cross discipline collaboration in the built environment.
Kath is Chair of the RICS ProfessionalGroup Board for Facilities Management, a member of the RICS Management Boardand has recently been appointed as Senior Vice President Elect for RICS. She is a regular speaker at industry eventsand a guest lecturer at Middlesex University.