MetLifeHealth Selection Critical Care Plan offers value-for-money comprehensive reimbursementfor most common criticalillnesses
HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - November 28, 2018- MetLife Hong Kong*announced the launch of its brand-new MetLife Health Selection Critical CarePlan, designed to reimburse diagnosis costs, treatment and other eligibleexpenses up to a lifetime limit of HK$12 million for the most common criticalillnesses: cancer (including carcinoma-in-situ), heart attack, stroke andkidney failure.
MetLifeHong Kong announced the launch of its brand-new MetLife Health SelectionCritical Care Plan. (Left to right: EvaWong, Chief Agency Officer, and Vincent Chan, Head of Productof MetLife Hong Kong)
"MetLife Hong Konghas always kept a close eye on health trends and customer needs. In view of theincreasing risk of critical illnesses striking at a younger age, we have designedMetLife Health Selection Critical Care Plan as an innovative, value-for-moneysolution tailored to the needs of the younger generation and the mass market,"said Mr. Vincent Chan, Head of Product of MetLife Hong Kong.
"Traditional critical illness insurance productstypically support medical treatment by providing a lump sum payment in a setamount for one-off financial support. But as new treatments and medicationsemerge, the average coverage that most people currently have under existingcritical illness policies may well be inadequate. That's why we have gonebeyond the typical critical illness insurance in developing this specific criticalillness reimbursement product. We have crafted this product to provide a highlevel of coverage at a very affordable premium, creating greater value forcustomers. The plan offers comprehensive reimbursement for both traditional andnew critical illness treatment methods (including non-Hong Kong registeredmedication for cancer treatment), and covers recurrence, metastasis andpersistence of cancer. In this manner, we are fully supporting customers alongthe pathway of life."
Key features of MetLifeHealth Selection Critical Care Plan include:
- First-in-market critical illness reimbursementplan that covers kidney failure -- The plan covers cancer (including carcinoma-in-situ), heart attack, strokeand kidney failure.
- Affordable premiums -- By paying as low asaround HK$3 a day#, customers can receive reimbursement for eligiblemedical expenses of up to HK$2 million for each occurrence of a covereddisease, subject to a lifetime limit of HK$12 million.
- Comprehensive reimbursement -- The plan reimburses expenses for diagnosis, traditional treatments and new treatments, recovery progress monitoring and othereligible items.
- Continued protection -- Claims for multiple covered diseases are allowed. Theplan also replenishes the covered disease limit for persisting cancer every 3 years.
- Extended care -- The plan coversexpenses for complete surgical excision of covered benign tumors^ andalternative treatments such as acupuncture and physiotherapy.
- 2-year premium waiver -- The plan waives premiums for 2 years upon diagnosis of acovered disease (including carcinoma-in-situ) for the first time.
- Guaranteed renewal -- The plan is guaranteed renewable up to age 100 of theinsured person.
AcrossAsia, MetLife is steadily building out a combination of insurance solutions andservices to help customers better understand how to prevent and manage seriousillnesses under an offering called 360 Health.
Ms. EvaWong, Chief Agency Officer of MetLife Hong Kong, said, "Being customer centricis a commitment we have made at MetLife Hong Kong. As our customers' trusted advisor, we arededicated to providing quality insurance coverage for customers and supportingthem in pursuit of a better life. With our talented workforce, top-notch financialstrength, innovative products and differentiated brand, MetLife Hong Kong willcontinue to grow and to provide greater value for our customers, in tandem withour ongoing commitment to navigating life together with them."
MetLifeHong Kong has also launched the "MetLife 150th Anniversary Health& Wealth Rewards". From now till December 31, 2018, customers whosuccessfully apply for MetLife Health Selection Critical Care Plan or MetLifeHealth Selection Critical Care Benefit can enjoy a one-month premium discount+.
For further details about MetLife Health SelectionCritical Care Plan, please visit:
# The required premium amount is based on an example of a 25-year-oldnon-smoking male insured person who is in good health, and the assumptions thatCritical Illness Inclusive Plan -- Premier is applied and an annual premiumpayment mode is selected. Premium payable is calculated according to theinsured person's attained age, sex, smoking habit and the applicable premiumrate at the time of application or renewal. The figure is for reference onlyand may differ slightly from other illustration documents due to roundingdifferences.
^ Coverscomplete surgical excision of a solid tumor to rule out cancer.
+ Termsand conditions apply. For further details, please refer to the relevantpromotion leaflet.
The above information is intended forreference only. Please refer to the relevant Policy Provisions of MetLife Health Selection Critical Care Plan for definitions,detailed terms, conditions and exclusions.
MetLife, Inc. (NYSE: MET), through itssubsidiaries and affiliates ("MetLife"), is one of the world's leadingfinancial services companies, providing insurance, annuities, employee benefitsand asset management to help its individual and institutional customersnavigate their changing world. Founded in 1868, MetLife has operations in morethan 40 countries and holds leading market positions in the United States,Japan, Latin America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. For more information,visit
* MetLife Limited and Metropolitan Life InsuranceCompany of Hong Kong Limited (collectively "MetLife Hong Kong") arewholly-owned subsidiaries of MetLife, Inc. in Hong Kong and private companieslimited by shares incorporated and registered under the applicable laws in HongKong. Both MetLife Limited and Metropolitan Life Insurance Company of Hong KongLimited are authorized insurers carrying long term business in Hong Kong.