SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 27 November 2018 - AWC Limited, a business firmly rooted in the production of oud oil andrelated products, hasannounced it will attend BIMG's upcoming 4th blockchain investment summitand deliver a keynote presentation to over 1000 invited guests.
AWC's team of experts and partners willshare details about their new inoculation patent and blockchain-powered networkthat are set to respectively boost the production and traceability and tradingof the highest grade oud oil. Seniormanagement is expected to paint a clear picture of the company's strategicplans and objectives for the future.
Why is Oud Oil so expensive?
Oud oil and its source Agarwood havebeen used for over 3500 years in religious ceremonies, traditional rituals, localmedicine and herbal teas, and of course, exotic fragrances.
Oud is the result of an incrediblyrare natural tree "infection", a very rare tree only found in a few small areasin China and South-East Asia.
Currently 50% of total globalproduction is sold to luxury perfume houses such as Versace. However thehighest-grade oud oil is reserved for medicine, with a worldwide annual demandof 800,000 ton and growing.
With a growing market value currentlyexceeding 8 Billion USD, the rare oil really earns its nickname "liquid gold".Compared by weight, oud oil is in fact more expensive than gold.
Exclusive woodlands propertiessecured
AWC Limitedhas established exclusive partnerships and agreements with both the PRCgovernment and large Cambodian producer Only Oud Biotechnology Co. Ltd. tosecure highly prized woodlands, broadleaf forests and farmland designated foragarwood agriculture and plant very high-grade agarwood seedlings.
Further, theirproprietary and cutting edge bio-technology are utilized to improve theproduction yield and quality of oud oil from their specially cultivated strandsof agarwood in a closely monitored and controlled environment from start tofinish.
How Will AWC Use Blockchain Tech?
AWC will beusing the latest blockchain technology to manufacture, certify and protect theintegrity of all its products. Any AWC--produced agarwood or oud oil will be traceable and verifiable all the way backto its point of origin up and down the supply chain as it makes its way to itsend user.
Each part ofthe process will be captured and managed via permanent and decentralized blockchainrecords which will stamp out any tampering, counterfeiting or illicit trading.
AWC Team
AWC Limited, is headed by avery experienced senior team of industry bigwigs that include Mr. Leo Chan(CEO), former Financial Controller of Societe Generate HK, Mr. Itamar Kummer (COO), an experiencedbusiness developer in the Israeli market, and Mr. Chhorn Chamrong (CTO), anindustry leader in Cambodia with ties to the government.
For readers interested to learn more about AWC Limited and theirupcoming plans, you can visit their website https://www.agarwfoundation.comor follow their official WeChat account "AWC Limited"(WeChat ID: awclimited).