HONGKONG, CHINA - Media OutReach -26 November 2018 - The international venture capital and angel investment firm,the Global Group, in collaboration with the South African Consulate General inHong Kong, proudly presents The HeritageCollection, a charity exhibition by documentary photographer MatthewWillman, marking the centenary celebrationof South African leader Nelson Mandela, one of the world's truly greatstatesmen. The South African government has officially designated the year2018 as the year to acknowledge and honour the selfless contributions of thetwo liberation struggle icons, Tata Nelson Mandela and Mama Albertina Sisulu,who played a key role in the attainment of freedom in South Africa.
(From Left) Matthew Willman, the documentaryphotographer, Dr. Johnny Hon, Founder andExecutive Chairman of the Global Group and Honorary Consul of Grenada in HongKong, Mr.Madoda Ntshinga, Consul-General of South Africa (HKSAR/MSAR), Ms. Vicky Xu, Founder and CEO of Areteos FamilyOffice, and Mr. Leon Naido, Consul of South Africa (HKSAR/MSAR), attended the opening night of The HeritageCollection charity exhibition.
(From Left) Dr. Johnny Hon, Founder and Executive Chairman of theGlobal Group and Matthew Willman, the documentary photographer, at the opening night of The Heritage Collectioncharity exhibition.
The opening night of TheHeritage Collection charity exhibition was held at Areteos Art Space inCentral.
The Heritage Collection charity exhibition is open for public viewing atAreteos Art Space from 23rd November -- 1stDecember 2018.
Theopening night of the event, held at the renowned Areteos Art Space in Central, saw hosts Mr. Madoda Ntshinga, Consul-General of South Africa (HKSAR/MSAR), Dr. Johnny Hon, Founder and Executive Chairman of the Global Group andHonorary Consul of Grenada in Hong Kong, and Ms. Vicky Xu, Founder and CEO ofAreteos Family Office, along with the documentary photographer Matthew Willman,welcome a range of distinguished guests from different walks of life.
TheGlobal Group was invited by the South African Consulate General in Hong Kong tocollaborate with it on this important and historic event. The collaboration isaimed at promoting people-to-people cooperation as well as the promotion ofcultural understanding between the people of the Republic of South Africa and theHong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. Onits part, the Global Group has always been dedicated to fostering a diversifiedartistic environment in society and cultivating art appreciation throughpartnerships and collaborations with well-known institutions from all over theworld. This photographic exhibition is a further testament to the GlobalGroup's focused efforts to enhance people's lives and well-being by honouringachievement and supporting the development of promising artists as well as thevibrant growth of the artistic milieu in Hong Kong.
Asa commissioned photographer to Nelson Mandela for over 10 years, MatthewWillman is today focused on building bridges of opportunity through supportinglocal communities in South Africa. The exhibition of The Heritage Collection is divided into two parts, namely TheNelson Mandela Heritage Collection and The Zululand Rhino Orphanage Collection.In the first part, Willman presents some of the most iconic and rare portraitsof Nelson Mandela alongside historic images from his life. This collection is aunique and precious time capsule of the struggle for freedom and the foundingof South Africa's new democracy. In the second part, Willman has created anexclusive photographic collection to help support magnificent rhinos in SouthAfrica, reflecting his commitment to the conservation of endangered species andto supporting partnerships with their neighbouring communities.
ThisMandela collection is the finest private portrait collection of its kind in theworld. Collectors of this work include President Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey,Annie Lennox, and Hermès, among an international roll call. People'sparticipation will help support a great cause, as a portion of sales willdirectly benefit the Zululand Conservation Trust, a charity dedicated to theconservation of endangered species in South Africa.
Matthew Willman said, "I am extremely grateful for Global Group'ssupport, which made this impressive exhibition possible and offered me theprecious chance to display my works in Hong Kong. This is an incredible opportunityto share with the world two of Africa's most precious and revered icons, NelsonMandela, who led an entire nation to freedom, and the majestic rhino, Africa'smost endangered species. We hope this exhibition could raise much needed fundsin order to continue our work in South Africa and let our generation be theones to save the African rhino from extinction."
Dr. Johnny Hon, Founder and ExecutiveChairman of the Global Group and Honorary Consul of Grenada in Hong Kong, commented, "We are delighted to host such aworthwhile event that shares the images of Nelson Mandela and of South Africancommunities with us. Looking into the future, we are committed to bringing morehigh-calibre art exhibitions and activities to Hong Kong through partnershipsand collaborations with different consulates, allowing Hong Kong people toappreciate various facets of art and culture."
"The Heritage Collection" by Matthew Willman
Exhibition dates: 23rd Nov -- 1st Dec 2018
Opening hours: 10am-7pm
Venue: Areteos Art Space -- G4, 1 Hollywood Road, Central, HK
About the GlobalGroup
Establishedin 1997, the Global Group has evolved beyond financing high-yield technologycompanies into helping its clients from the grassroots level to develop, fundand expand their own businesses. As a venture capital company, the Global Groupbrings resources and funding to support innovative enterprises at every stageof their development, from start-ups right through to IPOs. Its wealth ofexperience investing across a wide range of sectors and industries, coupledwith its strong network of political and business contacts, enables the GlobalGroup to successfully assist clients in raising funds and growing theirbusinesses with the ultimate aim of enhancing financial, physical and lifestyle well-being. More information here: www.global.hk.
About Matthew Willman
Matthew Willman is aDurban based documentary photographer, author and speaker. Willman has emergedas one of South Africa's leading young independent artists. He has expressedhimself through an extraordinary body of work which has included writing,storytelling and photographic exhibitions. Willman has gained over 18 years'experience working for some of the world's foremost institutions in the fieldof visual communication, development, visual arts and leadership. A true globalcitizen, Willman has worked in 42 countries, tailoring his inventive brand ofcommunication to the needs of an array of clients. Perhaps one of Willman'sgreatest achievements was his significant contribution to the recording of theprocess of South Africa's democratic change. This occurred both in his work asa commissioned photographer to the Nelson Mandela Foundation and through tenyears of work with Mr. Mandela himself. In 2003 Willman was commissioned to archive and document the life andtimes of Nelson Mandela.