SINGAPORE- Media OutReach - 23November 2018 - To ring in the Yearof the Pig, Kreta Ayer - Kim Seng Citizens Consultative Committee invites allSingaporeans and tourists to join in the festive celebrations at Singapore's Chinatown.Themed "Celebration of Abundance andProsperity" (新春大吉福满城 欣欣向荣庆丰年),next year's festival explodes with a line-up of exciting performances and aplethora of festive delicacies for all to enjoy.
A vibrant andinnovative Piglet-themed light-up, conceptualised and designed by SingaporeUniversity of Technology and Design (SUTD), will adorn the main streets ofChinatown. The street light-up along South Bridge Road will see rows oflanterns forming a giant "春"(Spring) and the auspicious Carp, a beautiful sight from an aerial view.
The popularfestive street bazaar, nightly stage shows, and the exhilarating lion dancecompetition are some of the main highlights this year. The Chinese New YearCountdown Party is also an activity not to be missed as we usher in the Lunar NewYear together.
The Official Light-up and Opening Ceremonywill kick start the Chinatown Chinese New Year 2019 celebrations on 19 January2019, followed by continuous days of street light-up along Chinatown that willlast till 6 March 2019. Against a dynamic and hi-tech stage backdrop, visitorscan expect spectacular live performances with awe-inspiring visual effects comprisingskits, songs, and dance, acrobatic and martial arts performances put up byperforming troupes from Singapore and China.
With a widevariety of street stalls operating from 18 January to 4 February 2019 at theupcoming 2019's Festive Street Bazaar, visitorscan browse through a huge array of traditional Chinese New Year goodies frommouth-watering delicacies like sweets, traditional cookies, waxed duck andpreserved fruit, to decorative items like potted plants, fresh flowers and evenfestive clothing.
Those huntingfor high-spirited entertainment can catch the Chinatown Nightly Stage Shows at Kreta Ayer Square, a populargathering point for local Chinese communities and also home to the Buddha ToothRelic Temple and Museum. Rhythmic drumming and clashing of cymbals will leadvisitors to the Lion Dance Competitionon 26 January 2019 that will wow the crowd with heart-stopping displays of skillfulstunts and intricate maneouvers. This is a rare chance to witness the mostreputable and prolific troupes from Singapore and around Asia Pacific pitthemselves against one another to vie for the grand title of 'King of theLions'.
Someother key highlights of this year's festival include:
Forpast festival photos, please download from
Formore information on these activities, members of the public can call Kreta AyerCC at +65 6222 3597 or email info@chinatownfestivals.sg
About Kreta Ayer-Kim Seng Citizens' ConsultativeCommittee
The Kreta Ayer-Kim Seng Citizens' Consultative Committee plans,leads and coordinates community activities for the Kreta Ayer-Kim SengConstituency. It channels the needs and problems of the residents to theGovernment and keeps them informed of the government's actions and policies. Italso raises funds for welfare aid to the needy, bursaries and scholarships fordeserving students and other community projects.