HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 23 November 2018 - In less than three months the firm has grown from twofounding partners - Adam Hugill and Alfred Ip - and a total of fifteenheadcounts to two more partners, who joined in September, and now adds a fifthone -- Freda Lim -- who brings with her a small team specialized in PrivateClient, Estate & Trust practice area.
The firm has now twenty-two headcountsand in the next few months only plans to add few more solicitors as it wants toremain a very focused boutique firm which offers tailor-made legal services,while keeping a readily adaptable attitude, an innovative approach and a greatvalue for its clients.
Alfred Ip has greatly benefitted froma growing inflow of Private Client work in the past decade, due to the growinglevel of wealth in Hong Kong and across the border, and the rising need formore complex trust structures and sophisticated estate planning. Now thispractice area has been further reinforced with Freda's joining with the scopeof creating one of the biggest Private Client platforms, yet still keeping theboutique law firm footprint and a more approachable attitude.
Moreover, Adam Hugill's Employmentpractice is constantly developing and gaining a respected position withemployers, employees and among other legal peers. Being at the forefront ofproviding practical and straightforward advice in a complex and developing areaof law in today's fast-paced Hong Kong environment.
Whether advising individuals orcompanies, Adam Hugill provides advice that is result-driven. Withextensive knowledge and experience of employment law in Hong Kong and the AsiaPacific region, he advises on all options but also come off-the-fence and offeradvice that achieves a practical solution.
Indeed, the beauty of being smallwhile having the upside of being specialised are extremely positive elements,in fact they allow the firm to provide personalized and hands-on attention inthe areas that the five partners master, focusing in putting clients' interestsfirst. A great sense of freedom and renewed joy was there since the start, alsodue to the firm choice of concentrating in Hugill & Ip's four main pillars:Private Client & Family -- Employment -- Corporate & Commercial -- DisputeResolution.
Planning was also quite crucial. Theuse of technology was one of the main aspects of a more streamlined andefficient way of managing day-to-day business: from creating clients' matterswithin the system, to recording fee-earners time, from issuing invoices tocommunicating both internally and externally, from managing accounting tasks tothe commitment to be almost a paperless office, Hugill & Ip has greatlybenefitted from technology but also from all employees embracing change andinnovation.
Meanwhile, Hugill & Ip isreinforcing its social responsibility commitment - not only by having created adiverse and inclusive workplace - butalso as it has launched The #foodwill Campaign, a joint charity collaborationwith Feeding Hong Kong.
The campaign willraise funds to fight hunger and reduce the amount of quality food going towaste in Hong Kong landfills. Both organisations are excited to join hands andraising awareness about food waste, hunger and food banking. Until the end of2018, donations to Feeding Hong Kong will benefit this important cause whileHugill & Ip will write free wills in return. For further details, pleasecheck the following link.
BespokeLegal Solutions
Hugill & Ip's view is long term andendeavours to build lasting client relationships based on trust,professionalism and discretion.
As a young independent law firm, yet itslawyers bring decades of experience providing bespoke legal advice andexceptional client service to individuals, families, entrepreneurs andbusinesses, in Hong Kong and internationally.