HANOI,VIETNAM - EQS -November 26, 2018 - Customers from Southeast Asiawill have the opportunity to learn about capabilities of the latest Russiancivil turboshaft engine VK-2500PS-03 developed and manufactured by UnitedEngine Corporation (part of Rostec State Corporation). Two engines of this typeare part of the Mi-171A2 helicopter's power unit. The helicopter participatesin Russian Helicopters Holding Company's demonstration tour of severalcountries of Southeast Asia -- Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, and Malaysia.
VK-2500PS-03 is the latestmodification of the VK-2500 engine with improved performance characteristics. It uses the most advanced FADEC-type digital electronicmanagement and control system. The anti-surge control is implemented toeliminate the possibility of the engine failure and to make Mi-17 helicoptersmore functional when operating in highlands and hot climate.
The demonstration tour ofthe countries of Southeast Asia, in which the Mi-171A2 takes part, has theroute of almost 5 thousand km long, and it passes through Vietnam, Cambodia,Thailand, and Malaysia. It includes demonstrationflights, as well as events for partners and potential operators organized topresent key benefits of Russian helicopters and after-sales service.
"This engine continues the well-knownseries of TV3-117 engines and is its in-depth modernization, -- said AleksanderVatagin. -- The presence of the FADEC-typedigital control system is the main structural difference of VK-2500PS-03. The time between overhauls is twice as long as that ofits predecessors. To date, the engine is certified by aviation authorities ofRussia and the work on its validation in China is under way."
During overhaul TV3-117and VK-2500 engines can be refitted into the latest VK-2500PS-03.
The opportunity to control enginelife depending on specific operating conditions instead of the previousapproach to the life service estimation is of crucial importance for operatorsof VK-2500PS-03. Technical solutions used in VK-2500PS-03 by UEC-Klimov'sengineers allow to accurately determine the real state of the engine, which inturn eliminates the human factor.
Mi-171A2 is the latestmodification of Mi-8/17/171 helicopters. Indicators of cruising and maximumspeed of Mi-171A2 in relation to serially produced Mi-8/17 helicopters are increasedby 10%, and carrying capacity -- by 25%.
JSC United EngineCorporation (part of Rostec State Corporation) is an integrated companyspecializing in the development, serial production and maintenance of enginesfor aviation, space programs and navy, as well as the oil and gas industry andpower industries.