HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - November 28, 2018 - There is no bettertime to visit Hong Kong than this winter, as its skies and shores will becomeeven more radiant than ever during this festive season, thanks to a sparklinglineup of light-filled festivities organised by the Hong Kong Tourism Board(HKTB) between 29 November 2018 and 24 February 2019.
Visitors will betreated to an eye-opening visual feast during the inaugural edition of Hong Kong Pulse Light Festival 2018,which is the largest open-air light festival in Hong Kong. From the enhancementof "A Symphony of Lights" light-and-music show to brilliantly lit installationsby artists from across the globe, the dazzling artistic light displays ensurethat there will be no dark corners this winter.
Winter Wonderland
Artists from around the world will be displaying their light-inspiredinstallations along Victoria Harbour, brightening up this winter with amagically incandescent experience for all. The International Light Art Display will turn the city into aninteractive light art playground by featuring 14 of the best artworks that havetoured other world-famous light festivals, alongside 4 symbolic Hong Konginstallations by local artists.
Light art installation "Talking Heads"
Bright Skies Ahead
Dubbed as the one of the world's most spectacular light shows, the marvelous"A Symphony of Lights" nightly lightshow along Victoria Harbour will be further enhanced this Christmas and NewYear. The additional skyscrapers participating in the coordinated productionand pyrotechnics from building rooftops adding highlights to the show onselected evenings will usher in the holiday season.
A Symphony of Lights(Winter Edition)
A Tale of Two Trees
An artistic reinterpretation of the traditional Christmas tree will beinstalled adjacent to the Observation Wheel. The "XTree" by France's 1024 Architecture is made with lit-up metallicscaffoldings that represent branches, and augmented by strategically placedlight decorations that dance to a matching soundtrack. HongKong's Christmas atmosphere is further enhanced by the iconic Christmas Tree at Statue Square, enticing visitors with itssparkling festive display.
Along with a range ofwinter celebration activities taking place at key attractions, festive seasonalevents and night tours, these festivities promise to spice up visitors' holidayseason with an unforgettable visual voyage in Hong Kong.
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