HONG KONG, CHINA - MediaOutReach - 28 November 2018 - Kerry Logistics Network Limited ('KerryLogistics'; Stock Code 0636.HK) is pleased to announce that the Group has wontwo honours at the 2018 Frost & Sullivan Asia Pacific Best Practices Awards: The "Asia Pacific Logistics Service Provider of the Year" and the "Asia Pacific Road Transportation Service Provider of the Year".
The Awards are organised annually by globalbusiness consulting firm Frost & Sullivan, recognising outstandingcompanies from a wide range of industries including the automotive, energy,building & environment, healthcare, information communication technologies,and logistics sectors in Asia Pacific. Awardees are judged through industrytrends analysis and research interviews, based on a set of parameters measuringrevenuegrowth, marketshare in specific category and growth in market share, demonstratedleadership in new product introduction and innovation, breadth of products andsolutions, major customer acquisitions, and business or market strategy.
William Ma, Group Managing Director of Kerry Logistics, said, "We are grateful for the two titlesfrom Frost & Sullivan, they once again acknowledge our sustained efforts incontinuously improving our performance. Apart from constantly expanding andrefining our integrated logistics operations, we have been elevating ourservice capabilities in road freight services through establishing new routesand forming new partnerships. We are determined to uphold service excellenceand deliver innovative and customised solutions to our customers."
During the past year, Kerry Logisticshas launched its first rail and road multimodal freight service from Lanzhou,China to Islamabad, Pakistan, as well as new cross-border rail and truckingservices from China through Kazakhstan to Caucasus and Turkey. It has alsoconsolidated its global project logistics services under the Kerry ProjectLogistics brand to meet the growing demand for total logistics solutions forlarge-scale, complex projects worldwide.
About Kerry Logistics Network Limited (StockCode 0636.HK)
Kerry Logisticsis an Asia-based, global 3PL with the strongest network in Asia. Its corecompetency is providing highly customised solutions to multinationalcorporations and international brands to enhance their supply chain efficiency,reduce overall costs, and improve response time to market. Kerry Logistics hasa network covering 53 countries and territories, and is managing 53 million sqft of land and logistics facilities worldwide, providing customers with highreliability and flexibility to support their expansion and long-term growth.Kerry Logistics Network Limited is listed on the Main Board of the Hong KongStock Exchange and is a selected Member of the Hang Seng CorporateSustainability Index Series 2017-2018.
About Frost & Sullivan Asia Pacific Best Practices Awards
The Frost &Sullivan Asia Pacific Best Practices Awards have identified and honouredbest-in-class companies that have demonstrated excellence in their respectiveindustries. Award recipients were identified based on in-depth interviews,analysis, and extensive secondary research conducted by Frost & Sullivan'sanalysts. Companies are typically studied on their revenues, market share,capabilities, and overall contribution to the industry in order to identify bestpractices.