HONGKONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - November 30, 2018 - Leo Paper Group (Hong Kong) Limited(the "Group"), one of the largest paper product manufacturers in Asia and aleading private global printing company based in Hong Kong, has announced ithas won the Directors Of The Year Awards 2018 (Category: Non-listed Companies -Boards) presented by The Hong Kong Institute of Directors. The Group is theonly private company to garner this Award since 2002, honouring its outstandingperformance in corporate governance. The Group has also announced that itsbusiness results have reached another record high, with turnover amounting toHK$4 billion in 2018 to date. Profit before taxation reported close todouble-digit year-on-year growth over the past 20 years. Furthermore, the Grouphas been pursuing good corporate governance and followed a governance policythrough verified and stringent monitoring procedures. Since 2003, it hasvoluntarily followed the requirement of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong forlisted companies to issue annual reports and, since 2009, it has held annualshareholder meetings with independent auditors. These procedures combined tomake the Board deserving of this accolade presented annually by The Hong KongInstitute of Directors.
Mr. Samuel Leung, Chairman of the Group, said, "The Group is honoured tobe the sole private company to receive this prestigious Award in 17 years.Since founding, the Group has developed its business in accordance with theprinciples of transparency, integrity and ethics, as well as consistentlyadhered to stringent standards in corporate governance policy. Winning theAward certainly represents recognition of our business development strategiesand corporate governance philosophy over many years. On behalf of the Group, Iwould like to thank the Board for their farsighted leadership. Mr. King Lai,the Group's CFO and Group Director, has led the finance team to efficientlycomplete and sign off on the Group's annual consolidated audit report in highquality within three months over 10 consecutive years. This has driven theimplementation of good corporate governance in the Group. I would also like toexpress my appreciation to our dedicated staff for their contributions in allaspects of our progress."
Mr. Leung added, "The Group willcontinue to uphold the principle of 'to the best at what we do' and enhance theefficiency and quality of all business processes so as to maximise value forcustomers. At the same time, the Group will continue to fulfill socialresponsibility and strive to protect the environment, and thereby achieve thehighest business ethics standard."
Founded in 1982, Leo Paper Group wasthen a traditional printing company with a staff of eight. Today, it is one ofthe leading paper product manufacturers in Asia with a workforce of around13,000. The scale of its production facility in Heshan is the largest singleprinting plant in Asia. "The Pursuit of Excellence" has always been integral tothe Group's corporate culture. The Group has invested more than HK$200millionin constructing an internationally-recognised Innovative Technology Centre atits Heshan plant. The new facility focuses on developing new technologies aswell as creating customised products in accordance with customers' needs.Moreover, the Group has endeavoured to lower power consumption in production,conserve energy, reduce emissions and treat sewage. In early September 2018,the Group became the first private company in Hong Kong to earn the Hong KongQuality Assurance Agency ("HKQAA") Green Finance Certificate. It has also beengranted a HK$350 Million Four-Year Green Loan Term and Revolving CreditFacility, which will be used for its 20 green technology projects that willroll out in China during the next few years. The Group's success is due to itsstaff upholding the same value and commitment to attaining the same goals.Hence, the Group has placed a high emphasis on vocational training andpromotion of corporate culture. In 2010, it established a vocational andtechnical school specialising in training new staff and providing three-year trainingprogrammes to the students of local secondary schools. A total of more than2,600 students have graduated since the establishment of the school.
The Group has adhered to the "leanmanufacturing" concept over the years to build highly effective and automatedproduction lines. Looking ahead, it will also strategically integrate itssales, production, procurement and the R&D core value chain so as tofacilitate flow of information throughout the entire business operationprocess. As for governance, the Group has set up inter-departmental projectgroups to strengthen internal communication and cooperation. It manages tosupervise staff at all levels with the well-structured human resources systemand also regularly organises training and experience activities so that theteams thoroughly understand the Group's philosophy, values and corporateculture. At the same time, the Group has not forgotten to give back to society.Committed to building a green manufacturing system, the Group's production basein Heshan was designated as a "National Green Factory" in October this year,reflecting recognition of this achievement from the industry, customers andsociety.
The winning companies of theDirectors Of The Year Awards 2018 presented by The Hong Kong Institute ofDirectors are selected based on strict and comprehensive criteria, includingboard composition and competencies of directors, effectiveness in strategiccorporate business functions, compliance and accountability, risk andsuccession management, business ethics, etc. The judging panel praised theBoard of the Group for its excellent management skills, experience andperspective. These strengths have enabled it to lead all employees to upholdthe same corporate values, continue its initiatives in investing resources inenvironmental protection and fulfilling its social responsibility, and proactivelyact in accordance with the listing rules to realise high standard andtransparent governance. The Award thus represents a great acknowledgement ofthe Group's outstanding efforts over the past years.
About Leo Paper Group
Founded in 1982, Leo PaperGroup is a global printing company and one of the largest paper productmanufacturers in Asia. Headquartered in Hong Kong, the Group has a workforce ofabout 13,000 and owns advanced automatic manufacturing equipment andtechnology, and possesses design and production capability, enabling it tooffer professional one-stop services from design, development, manufacturing,printing to secondary processing and finishing of paper products. Its productsare shipped across the world, including to the U.K., the U.S., Australia andEurope.
About Directors Of The Year Awards
First launched in 2001 asthe first ever such Awards organised in Asia, Directors Of The Year Awards areorganised annually by the Hong Kong Institute of Directors and co-organised bythe Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau of HKSAR Government, Securitiesand Futures Commission, and Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited. The Awardsaim to promote the importance of good corporate governance, appreciate theexcellent work done by the directors and the board in terms of director'spractices and corporate governance, as well as to raise the attention of allwalks of life in Hong Kong to the professional-based development for excellentcorporate governance and directors' functions. Awards are presented by companycategories, viz Listed Companies, Non-listed Companies and Statutory/Non-profit-distributingOrganisations, and by capacities, viz Executive Directors, Non-ExecutiveDirectors and Boards to recognise outstanding performance in various criterias.