TOKYO, JAPAN - MediaOutReach - 21 September 2018 - Ziff, a cryptographic cryptographic exchange in Japan, acknowledgedthat it was hacked, and currently steals over $ 59 million's Tokens.
Exchanges areoften attacked by hackers. What kind of exchange is safe?
In this articlewe will cover the world's top 10 exchange rate indicators.
(Based onCoinmarketcap's global trading volume ranking)
According to thereport, binance has two large hacks and user account theft. It did not causeloss of assets to the binance platform, but the invaded user loses the assetand the binance security mechanism has a loophole.
Safety index: 4stars
In September of2017, claiming that the account of the OKEX platform was stolen, the accountwas logging in with German IP address, claimed that hundreds of bit coins weretransferred in a few hours.
Safety index: 4stars
There is notheft case
Safety index: 5stars
On August 3,2016, the Bitcine trading platform Bitfinex of the United States said that, dueto security breaches on the website, temporarily closed Bitcoin transactions towithdraw its business, up to 119,756 Bitcoins totaling approximately $ 75million were stolen Announced.
Safety index: 3stars
There is notheft case
Safety index: 5stars
On 20th June2018, South Korea's leading Bithumb announced the official report that about 35billion won (about 31 million dollars) of digital asset was stolen andimmediately stopped accessing and withdrawing service. The case is stated thatuntil 45th June the official notice, after one effort, 45% of the stolencryptographic infringement was rescued.
Safety index: 3stars
According to thereport, HitBTC was hacked in early 2015, HitBTC did not disclose the number ofstolen assets and commented that user assets were not affected.
Safety index: 4stars
According tothis news, the Bit-Z exchanger was organized on March 30 and 31, 2018, wasattacked by planned hacking, and the wind fight alarm system was activated fortwo days at the same time. It has been deleted and no financial loss hasoccurred.
Safety index: 4stars
There is notheft case
Safety index: 5stars
There is notheft case
Safety index: 5stars