Guest of honour Dr Raymond So Wai-man addressesmore than 300 industry leaders on the theme: "Developing Novel Solutions toHong Kong's Housing and Land Supply Dilemma"
HONG KONG,CHINA - Media OutReach - 22 September 2018 - HongKong's mounting housing supply challenges were held up to diligent scrutiny at theHong Kong Institute of Surveyors' (HKIS) Annual Conference 2018, which today (22 September) welcomed more than 300 industry leaders,academics and government officials to a packedprogramme of instructive talks hosted at the JWMarriott Hong Kong.
Establishedin 1984, the HKIS boasts more than 10,000members and is the only surveying professional body incorporated by ordinancein Hong Kong. As the group's flagship event, theAnnual Conference is one of the region's most high-profile gatherings forindustry leaders and professionals from the government and private sector.
Dr Raymond So Wai-man, BBS, JP, the Government of Hong Kong's Under Secretaryfor Transport and Housing, attended as the event's Guest of Honour,opening proceedings with a keynote speech addressing the official conferencetheme: "Developing Novel Solutions to Hong Kong's Housing and Land SupplyDilemma".
Theprogramme of 8 guest speakers began with the opening remarks of sitting HKIS President Sr Dick Kwok Ngok-chung, who toldattendees: "The goal of the HKIS Annual Conference 2018is to offer a constructive platform for stakeholders from diverse backgroundsto gather, share inspiration and work towards practical solutions to thechallenges facing our city moving forward.
"Supplyingadequate housing to meet the needs of our growing population may be one of thegreatest trials facing Hong Kong -- but for the region's surveyingprofessionals, it also creates unprecedented opportunities. It is our duty as aprofession to work towards both supporting our existing infrastructure, and fuellingfuture growth and prosperity in the city, and beyond."
Among themost keenly anticipated lectures was that by Mr Stanley Wong Yuen-fai, Chairmanof both the Government of Hong Kong's Task Force on Land Supply, and Hong KongHousing Authority's Subsidised Housing Committee -- amongst other officialtitles -- who addressed the government's ongoing public consultation at asession entitled "Land for Hong Kong: Our Home, Our Say! -- Public EngagementExercise of Task Force on Land Supply".
Split into amix of expert speakers and constructive Q&A sessions, other pertinentprogramme themes included "Marine Wisdom to Solve the Land Supply Issue in HongKong", "Land for Private or Public Housing?" and "Unlocking Supply in theSecondary Market".
"I wouldlike to extend my most sincere gratitude to all of you for participating in theAnnual Conference toshare your views and passion on topics so dear to our hearts." said Sr Winnie Shiu, HKIS Vice-President and Chairlady of the HKIS Annual ConferenceOrganising Committee."Through the deliberations of the speakers and ensuing exchange of ideas amongstthe participants, many novelsolutions have been rolled out or conceived to tackle Hong Kong's on housingand Land supply dilemma. We look forward to seeing youagain at our next Annual Conference. Thank you! "
List of Speakers(By Speech order) |
Mr Thomas Chan, JP Director of Lands Lands Department, HKSAR Government |
Sr Augustine Wong, JP Executive Director Henderson Land Development Co. Ltd. |
Dr Peter Cookson Smith Founder, URBIS Limited Past President, The Hong Kong Institute of Planners, Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design |
Mr Wong Yuen Shan, Stephen Deputy Executive Director and Head of Public Policy Institute Our Hong Kong Foundation |
Ms Ada YS Fung, BBS, JP Chairperson, Committee on Building Information Modelling Construction Industry Council |
Mr Cheung Neoton, Francis Convenor and Chairman Doctoral Exchange |
Mr Joseph Tsang Managing Director, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, and Head of Capital Markets, Hong Kong Jones Lang LaSalle |
Mr Wong Yuen Fai, Stanley, SBS, JP Chairman Task Force on Land Supply |
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About theHong Kong Institute of Surveyors
Established in 1984, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyorsis the only surveying professional body incorporated by ordinance in Hong Kong. As of 3 September 2018, the number ofmembers reached 10,149 including 6,760Corporate Members consisting Fellows and Members -- distinguished by theinitials FHKIS and MHKIS; 78 AssociateMembers -- distinguished by the initials AMHKIS; and 3,311probationers and student members. The Institute's work includes settingstandards for professional services and performance, establishing codes ofethics, determining requirements for admission as professional surveyors, access and award the professional qualification, and advance members' professional knowledge, technical and servicesstandards throughcontinuing professional development.
The Institute has an important consultative role in government policy makingand on issues affecting the profession. We have advised the Government onissues such as unauthorized building works, building safety campaign, problemsof property management, town planning and development strategies, constructionquality and housing problems. We are working on amendments to standard forms ofbuilding contract and have issued guidance notes on floor area measurementmethods.
For more details, please visit the HKIS websiteat https://www.hkis.org.hk.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hkisofficial