LeadingAustralian retailer selects Adyen to provide improved online paymentcapabilities while increasing authorisation rates.
SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 20September 2018 - Adyen, the payments platform of choice forthe world's leading companies, today announced a partnership with the Cotton OnGroup, Australia's largest global retailer. With this partnership in place,Adyen is helping to power eCommerce payments for the Cotton On Group brandsincluding Cotton On, Cotton On KIDS, Cotton On BODY, Rubi, Supré, Factorie andTypo on a global scale. TheGroup selected Adyen in late 2017 and rolled out the payment platform to allmarkets in April 2018.
"Adyenprovides the Cotton On Group with online payment capability to support our eCommercechannel globally, powering our international growth," says Brendan Sweeney,Cotton On Group General Manager of eCommerce. "By adopting the Adyen platform, theGroup has gained access to a greater breadth of payment capability -- all whilst benefitting from amore sophisticated fraud management approach, resulting in lower fraud.
"Beyond this, local acquiring has helpedthe Group streamline settlements timelines, improve cash flow, and provide agreater visibility of disputes, refunds and cancellations. Adyen provides uswith a convenient single-platform solution that processes the entire paymentfrom beginning to end and keeps all data in one place."
With Adyen's payments platform in place,the Group was able to consolidate its various payment programs and easilyswitch on solutions like RevenueProtect - an integrated riskmanagement system which allows the business to maintain the perfect balancebetween fraud defence and optimised conversions. Additionally, Adyen's ShopperDNA builds aholistic view of the shopper behind each transaction, making it easy forcustomer service teams to track online fraudsters as they attempt to changenetworks, devices and identities.
Further,its direct local acquiring licenses allow Adyen to own the entire paymentprocess, eliminating the need to run payments across multiple third-partyplatforms. Adyenhelped the Cotton On Group launch online banking payment methods in newmarkets, such as Malaysia and South Africa, as well as offer local acquiringand consolidated processing for the Australian, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore,Great Britain and US markets.
"We now accept a wide range of paymenttypes that are relevant to our customer in each market, unlocking greatergrowth," says Mr. Sweeney.
"Adyen and the Cotton On Group sharemany of the same values including a relentless commitment to creating a great customerexperience. We are honoured to join the Group in this exciting journey as they continueto build an outstanding worldwide customer experience," said Michel van Aalten,Country Manager AUNZ for Adyen. "At Adyen, we value the opportunity to empowergreat local companies to succeed overseas, as well as help local merchants tobuild business domestically."
Aboutthe Cotton On Group
The Cotton On Group was born in Geelong, Victoria and over the past 25years has grown to a store footprint of over 1,400+ stores across 18 countrieswith a team of 22,000 people globally. The Group owns seven brands including;Cotton On, Cotton On KIDS, Cotton On BODY, Factorie, Supré, Rubi and Typo. The Group also has a philanthropicarm, the Cotton On Foundation, which has raised AU$75 million towards creating20,000 educational places globally by 2020.
About Adyen
Adyen (AMS: ADYEN) is the paymentsplatform of choice for many of the world's leading companies. The only providerof a modern end-to-end infrastructure connecting directly to Visa, Mastercard,and consumers' globally preferred payment methods. Adyen delivers frictionlesspayments across online, mobile, and in-store. With offices all around theworld, customers include Facebook, Uber, Spotify, Freelancer.com, Lorna Jane,Kogan.com, Movember and Showpo.