UNESCO launches ResiliArt movement amid COVID-19 pandemic

April 20, 2020 - 08:30

UNESCO has launched a movement calling on artists to share their stories, works and opinions to raise awareness about the far-reaching ramifications of COVID-19 across the sector and support artists during and following the crisis.


Thưa Mẹ Con Đi (Goodbye, Mother) director Trịnh Đình Lê Minh has joined the movement to spread hope and optimism among the art community. — Photo courtesy of UNESCO

HÀ NỘI UNESCO has launched a movement calling on artists to share their stories, works and opinions to raise awareness about the far-reaching ramifications of COVID-19 across the sector and support artists during and following the crisis.

The global movement ResiliArt will shed light on the current state of creative industries, engaging with key industry professionals globally for their views and capturing experiences of resilience from artists – both established and emerging – on social media.

It was officially launched on the World Art Day by UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay who moderated the ResiliArt discussions with Ernesto Ottone R (UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Culture), composer/performer Jean Michel Jarre (President of International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers – CISAC), author Yasmina Khadra, musician/documentary film director Deeyah Khan HAN and singer/songwriter Angélique Kidjo.

Vietnamese artists are encouraged to join the movement by posting their words on social media accounts using #ShareCulture, #ResiliArt, #WorldArtday and @unesco. They can post a photo or video showing their creativity despite the health crisis, write or record a message to ResiliArt to help empower the artist community and nominate a fellow artist who is ResiliArt.

Their messages may mention how they stay creative or keep art accessible around social distancing measures, the biggest obstacle for an artist in this health crisis and what measures could be developed to support artists during this period.

Many creatives have joined the movement such as film director Trịnh Đình Lê Minh, rapper Hằng Kani, vlogger Chan La Cà and director Luk Vân.

“After releasing Thưa Mẹ Con Đi (Goodbye, Mother), now I am working on a second feature film. Luckily the shoot has been completed, I can do post-production during social distancing,” said Minh.

“I don’t know when the film crews can continue their work, or when my team and I can discuss the film directly.

“I joined the movement as a way to express my hope and bravery in the face of obstacles.” 

The local artists have engaged with the movement to show that “culture makes us resilient and gives us hope”, according to UNESCO officer Nguyễn Hồng Giang.

“It’s clear that COVID-19 has hit the cultural and creative industries hard, still, creative workers find creative solutions,” she said.

“In times of crisis, we need art more than ever. People in self-isolation singing together from balconies showed us that culture and creativity can unite us. Our favourite films, paintings and sculptures give us comfort, strength, escape and courage.

“Music, songs and dance allow individuals to express themselves and maintain social ties amid travel restrictions and home confinement. This unprecedented emergency demonstrates culture’s role in building resilience and social cohesion; art is resilient.” VNS
