
Việt Nam’s beer market expects big changes in 2020

Việt Nam’s beer market would have great changes in 2020 as the country has always been a potential market for domestic and foreign beer enterprises. The fierce competition has been forecasted early since more and more foreign brands were looking for opportunities in the market.

ASOSAI promotes knowledge sharing, develops SAI members

The Asian Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI), founded in 1979, pursues a common mission like other working groups of the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), that is “Professional supreme audit institutions promote good State governance” and with the core values of “Professionalism, Cooperation, Equality, Creativity”.


E-commerce a positive for retail sector

Despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the retail market in Việt Nam in the first quarter of this year still recorded positive results from e-commerce, online shopping and delivery services.

