How BAT Vietnam is helping mitigate climate change

September 19, 2023 - 08:30
Foreign companies operating in Vietnam are joining hands to stop climate change from worsening and protect local communities from its imminent effects. BAT Vientam is among the most active players in this field.

British American Tobacco (BAT) Vietnam and Gaia Nature Conservation on September 15 jointly organised a programme for delineating and promoting the natural regeneration of 40 hectares of mudflats in the core area of the Cà Mau Cape National Park.

It is expected that more than 200,000 white mangrove trees will grow in the forest in the next six years. 

More than 50 people from BAT Vietnam, including the company’s leaders and associates, together with volunteers from Gaia and staff from Cà Mau Cape National Park Authority, constructed fences with tree branches to delineate white mangrove trees. 

BAT Vietnam hopes to plant nearly half a million trees on 4 hectares in Đồng Nai and more than 80 hectares in Cà Mau to benefit local communities.

Previously, on August 4, more than 60 members from BAT Vietnam also joined hands with Gaia to plant 1,000 trees across an area of 2 hectares in the Đồng Nai Culture and Nature Reserve.

These activities are a part of a project by BAT Vietnam and Gaia between 2022 and 2025 to afforest more than 120 hahectares in the Đồng Nai Culture and Nature Reserve and Cà Mau Cape Natural Park. 

In addition to the main goal of achieving carbon neutrality by promoting a balance between emitting carbon and absorbing it from the atmosphere, which contributes to the net-zero emissions vision, the project also targets many other sustainable values such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, preventing erosion, increasing biodiversity, and providing practical benefits to local communities. During the first year of the project in 2022 BAT and Gaia planted trees on 2 hectares in the Đồng Nai Culture and Nature Reserve and 40 hahectares in the Cà Mau Cape National Park.

This attests to BAT Vietnam’s commitment to net zero carbon emissions to further promote its environment, society and governance (ESG) objectives and joining hands with the Government for tackling climate change and protecting biodiversity in Việt Nam. 

Mr Phạm Hùng Anh Tuấn, BAT Vietnam's head of operations, said: “This project not only helps strengthen our commitment to environmental protection and carry out our ESG strategy, but also provides an opportunity for BAT Vietnam staff to take a deep dive into forest and environmental protection while consolidating internal bonding.”.

The United Nations has identified Việt Nam as one of the five economies most affected by climate change. In 2022 there were more than 1,000 natural disasters that left 175 people dead or missing and caused estimated economic losses of VNĐ19.5 trillion (according to Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment statistics).

The World Bank Group’s Country climate and Development report issued in July 2022 also pointed out that extreme disasters such as storms and floods, compounded by the degradation of ecosystems due to the loss of mangroves and wetlands, have already put multiple billions of dollars of assets at risk in Việt Nam. Without rapid and inclusive adaptation responses, climate change impacts could cost Việt Nam a total of 12–14.5 percent of GDP by 2050.

By working together to plant more trees to protect the local community, BAT Vietnam staff have had meaningful experiences and strengthened team bonds.

In this context, expanding forests to help tackle climate change and protect biodiversity in Việt Nam is an integral part of BAT’s mission and strategy to build “A Better Tomorrow”™. 

Besides afforestation, BAT Vietnam also has other environmental initiatives to promote the environment pillar in ESG. These are always well aligned with the common goals of the Government to join hands with the business community to contribute to the National Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030 based on the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

BAT Vietnam was honored among the “Top 100 Sustainable Businesses in Vietnam” by the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 2022 through the Vietnam Business Council for Sustainable Development.

It was the fourth time in seven years that BAT Vietnam made it to the list (2017, 2018, 2021 and 2022).

Thanks to BAT-Vinataba’s unrelenting efforts, in mid-2023 their joint venture factory in Đồng Nai Province received certificates, including the carbon neutral (Scope 1 & 2 emissions) certificate after rigorous PAS2060 testing carried out by the Totum Institute (Brazil), and the effective water stewardship certificate from the Alliance For Water Stewardship - AWS.

In July 2023, BAT was named to the Top 50 Corporate Sustainability Awards by business and investment magazine Nhịp Cầu Đầu Tư.

These latest achievements demonstrate BAT's practical and consistent practices in Việt Nam.
