1. Background
As a federally owned enterprise, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH supports the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international co-operation for sustainable development. On behalf of the German Government, GIZ provides advi-sory services to the Vietnamese Government in the areas: (1) Vocational training, (2) Environmen-tal, (3) Energy, and (4) Sustainable Economic Development. For further information, please visit www.giz.de/viet-nam.
In the area of vocational training, Germany and Viet Nam are cooperating intensively since 2006. The Programme “Partnerships for Development-oriented Vocational Training and Labour Migration” (PAM) in Viet Nam is being implemented with support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internatio-nale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), commissioned by the German Ministry for Development and Eco-nomic Cooperation (BMZ), since 2019. The cooperation between Viet Nam and Germany is jointly advocating for international skills partnership to foster orderly, safe and regular mobility that benefits both the sending and receiving countries.
The GIZ Office in Hanoi would like to annouce the Tender package to procure career truck cu-be for the provision of information on skills, language and cultural training, fair labour mobility path-ways and potential career opportunities as high-quality skilled workers in both Germany and Viet Nam, within the frame of the 50th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Viet Nam and Germany.
- Place of delivery: Hanoi
- Delivery time: Please indicate your shortest delivery time after order placement, preferably by 7th April 2025.
- Payment: Payment will be made after receipt of goods against VAT Invoice and delivery note (negotiable)
2. Deadline for submission
Bids must be submitted by 17:00 (Hanoi time) on 25th February 2025.
3. Required documents of the bid
Bids must be submitted in 02 original copies with full signature and stamp, one in Vietnamese and one in English, with the same validity, and must include the following documents:
A. Eligibility documents, including: (a) Letter of Interest signed and sealed by authorised per-son; (b) Company business registration, company profile in either English or Vietnamese, copy of company registration; (c) Financial audits or tax reports or financial reports in 3 consecutive years 2021, 2022, 2023; (d) The company must have a maintenance service in Viet Nam and a technical team with at least three staff. Provide the CVs of at least 03 me-chanics and electrics, sewage technicians; (e) Experience in implementing projects related to the design, manufacturing, or supply of the truck trailer, 40ft container or mobile home or similar, or projects of equivalent scale/technical requirements. Provide photos of the previ-ous products/projects; (f) Proven capability in providing adequate facilities/machinery and qualified personnel, to execute the project. Provide photos or document of the previous products/projects.
B. Technical proposal.
C. Financial offer, including VAT and excluding VAT.
4. Method of submission
The tender dossier must be sent by email to VN_PoG_Quotation@giz.de. We request that the eligibility documents, technical proposal, and price quotation be submitted in three separate emails with the following subjects:
• "Name of Bidder – Eligibility Documents – PO 91186211" (for Eligibility documents)
• "Name of Bidder – Technical Offer – PO 91186211" (for Technical proposal)
• "Name of Bidder – Price Quotation – PO 91186211" (for Financial offer)
For data protection and information security reason, in case the total size of your documents is be-low 10 MB, you can attach them directly in the email sent to us. In case the total size of your doc-uments is above 10 MB, the files must be sent via GIZ filetransfer system. We will provide the guidance on how to use filetransfer to interested suppliers. Files sent via other applica-tions/systems such as google drive, dropbox etc. will not be accepted.
5. Contact for correspondence and clarifications
Interested suppliers can contact GIZ (before 17th February 2025) via email question-from-bidder-pog-vn@giz.de to receive a completed set of documents, including: Detail technical design; Detail technical specifications of equipment and tasks of the bidder; Eligibility assessment grid; Technical assessment grid; Quotation specimen; General purchase conditions; Code of conduct; Guidance on filetransfer; and, Guidelines on consequences in case of submitting falsified infor-mation/documents.
For other questions, please contact above email before 19th February 2025.
6. Notes
• Sending documents to wrong email address will lead to disqualification of the supplier.
• Bids that are not submitted in the required format or after the deadline will be disqualified.
• Only the winning bidder will be contacted for order placement.
GIZ is obliged to ensure the confidentiality of all submitted documents.