AstraZeneca and Plan International hold an event focused on preventing non-communicable diseases among youth

September 30, 2024 - 14:30
On September 25, AstraZeneca Việt Nam, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) and Plan International Việt Nam, hosted the 'Non-Communicable Disease Prevention Awareness Day', a key initiative under Phase 2 of the Young Health Programme (YHP).

This event was part of AstraZeneca’s ongoing efforts to raise awareness about Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) prevention among Vietnamese youth and to promote healthy behaviours in schools and communities. Phase 2 of the YHP, which launched in September 2023, aimed to expand its reach by engaging more youth from underserved areas, enhancing education on NCD risk factors and empowering young advocates to take active roles in managing their own health.

The event took place at Liên Hà High School in Đông Anh District, Hà Nội, with participation from Nguyễn Nho Huy, Deputy Director of MOET’s Department of Physical Education, Atul Tandon, General Director of AstraZeneca Việt Nam, and representatives from Plan International Việt Nam along with the school’s board, teachers, students and parents. The event aimed to raise awareness about NCD prevention, promote healthy lifestyle choices and strengthen collaboration between schools, students and their families.

During the event, participants engaged in various interactive activities designed to educate students about the importance of preventive health measures, including physical activity and a balanced diet. As part of the initiative, through Plan International Việt Nam, AstraZeneca also sponsored the construction of a basketball court, encouraging students to adopt active lifestyles as a key part of preventing NCDs.

The ribbon-cutting ceremony for the basketball court was sponsored by AstraZeneca through Plan International Việt Nam as part of the initiative.

The first phase of the Young Health Programme, implemented from January 2019 to June 2022 in Hà Nội, was designed to improve the physical and mental health of youth by increasing awareness of risky behaviours that contribute to NCDs. The programme specifically targeted underserved areas and empowered young people to make healthier decisions about their well-being.

Key outcomes from the last phase include:

- 49,365 youth directly educated about NCDs through activities in schools, universities and industrial zones.

- More than three million people indirectly reached with knowledge on NCD prevention.

- 538 peer educators trained to lead health advocacy efforts in their communities.

- Numerous training sessions for school health staff, teachers and young people, aimed at enhancing their ability to address NCD risks.

These achievements reflect the programme’s significant role in building awareness and promoting youth-led advocacy in underserved communities.

The 2nd phase of the Young Health Programme (2023-2025) aims to build on the success of the first phase by expanding its reach and deepening its impact. Goals include:

- Reaching more youth, particularly in underserved areas, to empower them with knowledge about NCD prevention and healthy decision-making.

-Collaborating with MOET to advocate for health policy changes that integrate youth health education into school curriculums.

-Strengthening youth-led advocacy for NCD prevention, including contributions to Việt Nam's National Strategy on NCD Prevention (2025-2035).

“At AstraZeneca, we are not only focused on developing innovative life-saving medicines but also on building healthier futures. The Young Health Programme represents our deep commitment to society via supporting young people in adopting healthier behaviours that will last a lifetime. The successes we’ve seen so far in Việt Nam, with thousands of youth reached and empowered, inspire us to continue expanding this impact. By investing in the health of today’s youth, we are investing in the future sustainable development and well-being of the entire nation,” said Atul Tandon, General Director of AstraZeneca Việt Nam.

“This next phase will allow us to reach even more young people, particularly in underserved communities, ensuring that every young person has the opportunity to lead a healthy and fulfilling life.”

“We recognise the immense value of initiatives like the Young Health Programme, which aligns with our national strategy to ensure the health and well-being of Vietnamese youth. As non-communicable diseases pose a growing challenge, it is critical that we equip our students with the knowledge and tools to prevent these diseases from a young age,” said Nguyễn Nho Huy, Deputy Director of MOET’s Department of Physical Education.

“This programme’s integration into our schools fosters an environment that not only promotes physical health but also empowers students to be advocates for healthier communities. We look forward to continued collaboration with AstraZeneca and Plan International to ensure this programme reaches its full potential.”

Through its ongoing commitment to youth health, AstraZeneca aims to empower the next generation with the knowledge and resources needed to lead healthier lives and prevent NCDs. The Young Health Programme will continue to play a critical role in Việt Nam's efforts to improve public health outcomes for young people.
