Former Politburo member Tất Thành Cang expelled from Party

March 22, 2021 - 18:20
The Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission has asked the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat to expel Tất Thành Cang from the Party for serious rule violations.


Tất Thành Cang, former Politburo member and former permanent vice secretary of HCM City’s Party Committee.. — Photo

HCM CITY — The Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission has asked the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat to expel Tất Thành Cang from the Party for serious rule violations.

He is a former Politburo member and former permanent vice secretary of HCM City’s Party Committee.

The Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission made the announcement on Monday.

Cang is accused of “seriously violating Party regulations and State laws in State asset’s use and management” at the Tân Thuận Industrial Promotion Company Ltd and the State-owned real estate company, South Saigon Development JSC (Sadeco).

The People’s Procuracy of HCM on December 16 last year launched legal proceedings against Cang to investigate alleged violations of regulations on the management and use of State assets.

At the 12th Party Central Committee’s ninth session, the committee dismissed Cang from his posts as a member of the 12th Party Central Committee, Permanent Vice Secretary of HCM City’s Party Committee and member of the committee’s standing board in 2015-20 for his serious violations.

During its 31st session in November 2018, the Inspection Commission of the Party Central Committee concluded Cang had flouted the principle of democratic centralism, as well as the municipal Party Committee’s authority and working regulations on asset management and use in enterprises owned by the municipal Party Committee.

Cang was found to have broken stipulations on deciding the business co-operation policy and transferring project ownership as well as land-use rights among the companies. He was also accused of allowing the Party Committee’s capital representative to vote on the issuance of stocks to strategic shareholders at enterprises.

He was charged with lacking responsibility, as well as being lax in management and in his inspection of fields under his authority, which caused critical losses to the municipal Party Committee’s budget.

Tất Thành Cang was born in 1971 in the Mekong Delta province of Long An.

He was previously secretary of the HCM City’s Youth Union, secretary of Party Committee and chairman of the People’s Committee of District 2, director of HCM City’s transport department. — VNS
