Top leader visits Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth League headquarters relic site in Guangzhou

August 18, 2024 - 16:04
The Vietnamese leader and his entourage laid a wreath of flowers and offered incense in tribute to martyr Phạm Hồng Thái.
Party General Secretary and President Tô Lâm, his spouse and the Vietnamese delegation pay tribute to martyr Phạm Hồng Thái. — VNA/VNS Photo Trí Dũng

GUANGZHOU — Party General Secretary and State President Tô Lâm and a high-ranking delegation of Vietnamese officials paid floral tribute to martyr Phạm Hồng Thái at his grave in the Huang Hua Gang Memorial Park. They visited the relic site of the headquarters of the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth League in Guangzhou City, Guangzhong Province, on Sunday morning.

At the Huang Hua Gang Memorial Park, a cultural tourist attraction of Guangzhou city, the Vietnamese leader and his entourage laid a wreath of flowers and offered incense in tribute to martyr Phạm Hồng Thái.

Phạm Hồng Thái was born on May 14, 1895 in Hưng Nguyên District, the central province of Nghệ An. Thái tried to assassinate then French Governor-General Martial Merlin when he visited Guangzhou. After the unsuccessful assassination, he was hunted and then threw himself in the Pearl River on June 19, 1924.

Thái is the only foreigner buried in Huang Hua Gang Memorial Park besides 71 two Chinese martyrs, who died during the 1911 Wuchang uprising.

General Secretary and State President Lâm and his entourage then visited the relic site of the headquarters of the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth League at No. 13 (now No. 248 – 250) on Wen Ming street, Guangzhou city, a place connected to the revolutionary career of late President Hồ Chí Minh during 1924 – 1927.

They were moved to see the photos documenting years of activities of President Hồ Chí Minh with local people.

The delegation of the Party and State of Việt Nam were extremely moved to visit the relic site of the headquarters of the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth League, General Secretary and State President Tô Lâm wrote in the guest book.

It is the place where President Hồ Chí Minh spent his years of revolutionary activities, trained Việt Nam's first generations of loyal communists, witnessed the impartial and pure international communist sentiment, traditional friendship, solidarity and close bonds as both comrades and brothers between the two Parties, two countries and two peoples, Lâm said.

He sincerely thanked the Chinese Party and State and the Party Committee and administration of Guangdong province for always paying attention to preserving and conserving the relic site. “May the Việt Nam-China friendship last forever”, he wrote. — VNS
