PHNOMPENH, CAMBODIA - MediaOutReach - 18 December 2020 - There are multiple ways companies can achieve theirenvironment, social and governance (ESG) responsibilities. Investing in sportsdevelopment is one approach as it contributes to youth development, education,and health, sectors in Cambodia that Chairman Neak Oknha Chen Zhi (陈志公爵) and Prince Group strongly believe in.
The benefits of sportsdevelopment in countries like Cambodia are well documented. Countries with ahealthy sporting culture generally see over time reduced healthcare costs and improvedsocial cohesion. A strong believer in the potential of Cambodia, Chen Zhi participatesin any opportunity that can help raise Cambodia's international standing, suchas sports development.
The profile of any sport in a country, however,depends greatly on the achievements of the national side. Prince Group, one of the largest corporate conglomerates in Cambodia,has realized this and plays a vital part in the development of Cambodian sportsby supporting the men's volleyball team.
Volleyball is a sport that Cambodians are beginningto love. Last year, Cambodia narrowly beat arch-rival Vietnam 110--109 after atwo-hour match at the 2019 Southeast Asian (SEA) Games. The team eventuallycame fifth, a huge improvement compared to previous tournaments, but it was thefirst time in a long while that Cambodian sportspersons had won a game at ateam sport on such a grand stage.
When the country hosts the 2023 SEA Games for thefirst time, expectations will be high for sportspersons to win furtheraccolades. It will be a tournament that will also bring a significant boost totourism. Last year when the SEA Games was held in the Philippines, more than750,000 visitors came to the Philippines in December, with a significantproportion arriving to witness the 2019 SEA Games.
Chen Zhiand Prince Group contribute to Cambodia's Volleyball Team's SEA Games effort
Ahead of the 2019 SEA Games,Prince Group, led by its Cambodian Chairman Chen Zhi, contributed US$500,000 tothe local volleyball federation to support training and competition preparationactivities. In July 2019, Prince Group also facilitated a visit to Fujian inChina where 21 Cambodian players underwent an intensive two-month trainingprogram. Prince Group contributed approximately US$100,000 and also sponsoredthe team for visits to competitions in Thailand.
But improving sporting performance is a long-runeffort. To this end, Prince Group has helped hire an experienced volleyballcoach from China to train the Cambodian national team for five years.
"The Cambodian volleyball team has a lot ofpotential and the country has a lot of talent with the necessary physicalqualities required to be competitive," says the coach of the Cambodianvolleyball team. "It is important for these players to participate inhigh-quality tournaments so they can challenge themselves and strive to dobetter and make their country proud."
PrinceGroup joins global brands in supporting local sports development
By investing in Cambodia's sporting development inthis manner, Chen Zhi andPrince Group are leading a path traversed by a number of leading businessesaround the world. For countries like Cambodia, local sports need the support oflocal businesses.
Apart from investing in sports,Prince Group has also lived up to its ESG responsibilities in other fields. Ithas made several large-scale donations to help in the fight against thepandemic and assist flood victims in Cambodia. In early December, Chen Zhi andPrince Group donated US$3,000,000 to Prime Minister Hun Sen to help Cambodiapurchase 1 million COVID-19 vaccines.
Askey advocates and proponents of Cambodia's development, Chen Zhi andPrince Group are grateful for the chance to play such an important role in thejourney of the Cambodian volleyball team to the 2023 SEA Games, and hope tocontribute towards more aspects of Cambodian society beyond just sports formany years to come.
Neak Oknha Chen Zhi of Cambodia is the chairman ofPrince Group, short for Prince Holding Group (PHG). As chairman, Chen Zhi hasturned PHG into a leading conglomerate in Cambodia that adheres tointernational standards, invests in the future of the Kingdom and is committedto sustainable business practices.
In Cambodia Chen Zhi has expanded PHG's businessoperations to encompass various sectors, such as real estate development,banking, finance and tourism. Aside from his business activities, ChenZhi actively engages in helping Cambodian communities with hisphilanthropy work.
Prince Holding Group (PHG), better known as Prince Group, is one ofthe largest corporate conglomerates in Cambodia, with businesses spanningacross multiple industries, including real estate development, banking,finance, aviation, tourism, logistics, technology, food and beverages, andlifestyle sectors. PHG adheres to its mission of "Building a BetterLife", and the Group's philosophy espouses the values of "Commitment,Responsibility, Respect, Generosity and Innovation".