HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach - 17 December2020 -The pandemic has made online florist sales boom in 2020. With socialdistancing measures in place, overall sales in physical stores have drasticallyplummeted.
"Shortly after the pandemic came in full force,we projected that our sales would slump to a new low" says Justin Chung founderof Gift Flowers HK. Theintroduction of social distancing rules, employment uncertainty and generaleconomic downturn has caused an inevitable perfect storm. Despite having toface an overwhelming number of hurdles, the e-commerce flower industry hasflourished.
Gift Flowers HK has seen an impressive 100% jumpin Christmas sales and 30% increase in overall sales since the pandemic began.With people more inclined to shop online instead of visiting a conventionalflorist, sales have grown signicantly.
"We know people would not be travelling thisChristmas so we doubled our purchasing for Christmas trees, wreaths and otherChristmas flower arrangements" says Justin Chung "However, we never expectedthat all our Christmas trees would be sold out before December"
Many are unable to experience a normal Christmasthis year as everyone is being advised to "stay at home" and"work from home". This situation has encourage those who wouldusually travel to decorate their own homes instead to compensate on missedfestivals and special occasions.
"We find that many people have been buying Christmas trees and decorations,perhaps in the hopes to create more of a holiday ambience at home afterenduring the hardships the pandemic had brought. We had not anticipated thatChristmas trees, in particular, would be sold out almost instantly. OurChristmas floral arrangements are also being sold more rapidly than previousyears."
The pandemic has brought about much social andeconomic disruption and many businesses around the globe have to bear the bruntof declining sales. Yet, serving as one of the companies to have thrived duringthis ordeal, Gift Flowers HK is proof that all hope is not lost in the world ofe-commerce. The positive results showcases fantastic prospects in the marketfor many and paves new pathways for budding businesses to take amidst thecrisis.
Gift Flowers HK is a leading online florist basedin Hong Kong. The company prides itself in evironmentally friendly packagingand innovative arrangements. Seasonal floral sales correlate with consumer confidenceand underlying health of the economy.