DENVER, COLORADO - Media OutReach - 18 December 2020 - AdvancedEnergy (Nasdaq: AEIS) -- aglobal leader in highly engineered, precision power conversion, measurement,and control solutions -- today announced the launch of itsnew MAXstreamTM remote plasma source (RPS) product line for plasmacleaning of process chambers used in semiconductor device manufacturing. With offeringsavailable across a broad operating range, the MAXstream line delivers higherpower accuracy, best-in-class plasma ignition and increased reliability, makingit the most capable RPS solution in the market.
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"When customers invited AE to stepin and help meet the industry's need for a high performance and reliable RPS, wemade it happen," said Advanced Energy Vice President and General Manager,Semiconductor Products, Peter Gillespie. "Not only does the new MAXstreamproduct line provide a cost-effective and reliable RPS solution for customers'process tools, but it also accelerates AE's penetration to the approximately $150million per year RPS market, which has seen little innovation in recent years 1.We are encouraged by the positive responses we have received so far andanticipate further success as we continue shipments to multiple OEM customersthis month."
MAXstream delivers substantial improvements over competitors'RPS solutions. Its dual ignition core design delivers best-in-class plasmaignition reliability. The reliable and strike-every-time ignition means moreconsistent operation and less downtime. MAXstreamalso leverages AE's proven and differentiated plasma source materials andtechnology to ensure long chamber life and low particle generation.
AE's MAXstream RPS products facilitate drop-in compatibilitywith existing RPS systems to enable simple design-in compatibility as well asseamless field upgrades. By replacing an underperforming RPS with MAXstream,customers improve equipment productivity and gain higher performance reliability.They also gain access to AE's best-in-class global service and support, withover a dozen service centers and worldwide field service and applicationssupport.
The MAXstream line consists of RPS systems with gas flow of3, 6, 8, 10, and 12 liters per minute (MAXstream300, 600, 800, 1000, and 1200, respectively), enablingcustomers to optimize price and performance for their specific process. TheMAXstream 300 is designed for lower flow applications (up to 3 liters perminute of cleaning gas) and has a smaller form factor than the other higherflow models.
"Plasma processes requiring chamber cleaning are used in theproduction of almost every type of semiconductor chip," said Shaun Wilson, generalmanager, remote plasma sources, Advanced Energy. "By bringing MAXstream to themarket, we provide our customers a powerful, reliable, and cost-effective solutionfor process chamber cleaning. We also minimize equipment downtime and help thesemiconductor industry fulfill the demands of the data economy."
For detailed technical specifications, visit the MAXstream product page.
AdvancedEnergy (Nasdaq: AEIS) is a global leader in the design and manufacturing ofhighly engineered, precision power conversion, measurement and controlsolutions for mission-critical applications and processes. AE's power solutionsenable customer innovation in complex applications for a wide range ofindustries including semiconductor equipment, industrial, manufacturing,telecommunications, data center computing and healthcare. With engineeringknow-how and responsive service and support around the globe, the companybuilds collaborative partnerships to meet technology advances, propel growthfor its customers and innovate the future of power. Advanced Energy has devotedmore than three decades to perfecting power for its global customers and isheadquartered in Denver, Colorado, USA. For more information, visitwww.advancedenergy.com.
AdvancedEnergy | Precision. Power. Performance.