SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 18 December 2020 - AIASingapore today announced that they have invested over S$5 million in several communityinitiatives to comprehensively support Singaporeans throughout 2020. Theseinclude holistic efforts to making quality healthcare accessible to all, providingmonetary assistance for their employees, boosting the mental resilience ofworking Singaporeans amid a trying time for mental health, and creating employmentopportunities in the financial sector.
Committed to nurturingfuture generations and doing their part for the community, the life insureralso continues to do good by practicing corporate social responsibility even ina fiscally challenging climate. This year, AIA Singapore raised over S$550,000 fortheir two adopted charities, Children's Wishing Well and the VIVA Foundationfor Children with Cancer. The funds raised come on top of AIA Singapore'smulti-million dollar investment in keeping the community resilient as Singaporetransitions to its eventual Phase 3 reopening.
Ms Wong Sze Keed, ChiefExecutive Officer of AIA Singapore, said, "The COVID-19 pandemic hashighlighted the important role insurers play in society. It is a chance forlife insurers like us to show Singaporeans that we care about their holisticwellness and safeguarding every aspect of their health and wellbeing when theyneed it the most. We have taken it upon ourselves to find new and timely waysto put our people--our employees, insurance representatives, customers and thewider Singapore community -- first by providing them with peace of mind whilst livingamid this uncertainty. We will continue to honour this commitment in 2021,delivering on our promise of enabling healthier, longer, better lives."
Protecting what mattersmost to all: the health of the nation
In a time whenSingaporeans are more conscious of their health and the need to safeguard theirloved ones and future[1],AIA Singapore is doubling down on their commitment to help ensure qualityhealthcare is accessible to all. The insurer is extending comprehensive supportto ensure the community's physical and mental wellness are well-supportedduring this exceptional period.
Throughout 2020, AIASingapore has invested millions into providing necessary coverage, services,and support to keep Singaporeans protected against infectious diseases andhealth risks prevalent in the pandemic. These initiatives include:
Bringing hope toSingapore's workforce amid evolving ways of working
As with theircustomers, AIA Singapore places a high priority on their employees and AIAInsurance Representatives--the people who keep the company going with theircommitment and dedication. The insurer recognises their vital role in equippingtheir people for the new future of work, and creating sustainable, long-termcareer opportunities for the rest of the workforce.
In line with continuedefforts by the government of Singapore to create and protect jobs for localsacross sectors, AIA Singapore allocated significant funds to support theiremployees while working from home and generate career opportunities foraspiring professionals:
Additional fundraisingfor those less fortunate
COVID-19 has deeplyaffected every member of society, even more so the underprivileged. AIASingapore constantly strives to pursue a culture of purpose by rallying theiremployees, insurance representatives, partners and customers together to giveback to the less fortunate in the community. In 2020, the insurer raised overS$550,000 for their two adopted charities through the #ShareTheLovecampaign and other activities, with the intention of making a lastingdifference to the lives of future generations.
Part of a regional AIA#ShareTheLove movement taking place across Asia, the campaign, besides offeringcomplimentary AIA #ShareTheLove insurance plans, includes fundraisers forbeneficiaries Children's Wishing Well and the VIVA Foundation for Children withCancer. AIA Singapore continues to support disadvantaged children and youths, raisingfunds to progress education, groceries, wellness and enrichment programmes. Thisyear, they also expanded on their giving commitment, partnering with the VIVAFoundation for Children with Cancer to support fundraising efforts forpaediatric cancer research.
This year's CSRinitiatives include:
Now in its 5th year, AIA raised hundreds of thousandsin the virtual edition of its annual key fundraising event. Made possible bythe generous support of AIA's business partners, staff, and financialrepresentatives, AIA raised an exceptional amount in this challenging yearalone. The annual event has garnered more than $1 million since 2016.
AIAInsurance Representatives pledged their support by donating a portion of theirpolicy sales from September to October 2020 to continue doing their part forthe community.
AIA ralliedstaff, insurance representatives, and customers to help ease the financialburdens of their affected community at the height of the circuit breakerperiod. The proceeds helped fund groceries for the Children's Wishing Wellbeneficiaries.
All proceedsfrom the purchase of the AIA Buddy Kids packs will go to the VIVA Foundationfor Children with Cancer. Buddy is AIA's trusty sidekick and learning mate thatis encouraging kids to recognise the value of being active, eating right, andbeing financially healthy.
AIA Singapore's ongoingactivities, such as their Singapore Premier League sponsorship, have alsosupported other members of the community. This ongoing partnership is part ofour commitment to making great strides in bringing football closer to thecommunity with the focus of inspiring people to live active lifestyles.
Overall, 2020 has beena year of giving for the insurer. COVID-19 has been a chance for AIA Singaporeto turn this health and economic crisis into an opportunity to go above andbeyond in delivering on their promise of enabling Singaporeans' healthier,longer, and better lives.
Appendix: Additionalsupport extended by AIA Singapore amid COVID-19
[1] AIAReal Rewards Poll 2020: https://www.aia.com.sg/content/dam/sg/en/docs/press-releases/2020/press-release-aia-real-rewards-poll-2020.pdf
AIA Group Limited and itssubsidiaries (collectively "AIA" or the "Group") comprise the largestindependent publicly listed pan-Asian life insurance group. It has a presencein 18 markets in Asia-Pacific -- wholly-owned branches and subsidiaries inMainland China, Hong Kong SAR[1], Thailand, Singapore,Malaysia, Australia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines, South Korea,Taiwan (China), Vietnam, Brunei, Macau SAR[2], New Zealand, a 99 percent subsidiary in Sri Lanka, and a 49 per cent joint venture in India.
The business that is nowAIA was first established in Shanghai more than a century ago in 1919. It is amarket leader in the Asia-Pacific region (ex-Japan) based on life insurancepremiums and holds leading positions across the majority of its markets. It hadtotal assets of US$291 billion as of 30 June 2020.
AIA meets the long-termsavings and protection needs of individuals by offering a range of products andservices including life insurance, accident and health insurance and savingsplans. The Group also provides employee benefits, credit life and pension servicesto corporate clients. Through an extensive network of agents, partners andemployees across Asia-Pacific, AIA serves the holders of more than 36 millionindividual policies and over 16 million participating members of groupinsurance schemes.
AIA Group Limited is listed on the Main Board ofThe Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited under the stock code "1299" withAmerican Depositary Receipts (Level 1) traded on the over-the-counter market(ticker symbol: "AAGIY").
[1] Hong KongSAR refers to Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
[2] Macau SARrefers to Macau Special Administrative Region.