SHENZHEN, CHINA - Media OutReach - 26 October 2020 - Huntkey, a leading provider of power solutions, recentlylaunched its latest sales campaign - the Sourcing Season 2020. The campaignwill be from Oct. 09th to Dec. 31st, 2020, which istargeted at Huntkey's global business partners (distributors) by offering themspecial deals and the lowest product prices.
During the campaignperiod, not only can Huntkey's distributors enjoy buy-then-get-for-free deals,but also they can get the lowest prices than usual in this year. The campaigncovers a wide range of products, and the hot-selling items in Vietnam - the GSseries PC power supplies are included.
Huntkey is a top playerof PC power supply in Asia, and the GS series power supplies are Huntkey's coreitems that are specifically built for global markets. They have gainedfavorable feedback from the markets for their high performance and affordableprices. They include models of GS450, GS500, GS550, GS600 and GS700. They are80 Plus listed (meaning high energy efficiency) and designed with the maximumpower output from 350 watts to 600 watts to meet the needs for working,studying, watching videos and playing video games.
The GS series powersupplies are made using high quality components. To enhance power outputefficiency and increase the performance and stability of the users' system,they are designed with Active PFC, dual forward topology and double EMIfilters. They are 80 Plus certified and tested with a energy efficiencyexceeding 85% at 50% load, and up to 82% at 20% and 100% load. Less heatgeneration means lower electricity bills.
To achieveextraordinary heat dissipation and soundless performance, the GS series powersupplies are equipped with a 120mm temperature control fan, which can operatemore smoothly without friction and control the rotating speed intelligently,providing the user an extremely silent environment. To minimize the risk ofdamages from bad circumstances like short circuit, over voltage, under voltageand over current, they are equipped with multiple protections include ShortCircuit Protection(SCP), Over Voltage Protection(OVP), Under VoltageProtection(UVP) and Over Current Protection(OCP).
Apart from PC powersupplies, the campaign also covers monitors, surge protectors, power strips,air purifiers, laptop adapters and PD chargers. According to the campaignpolicies, Huntkey will give away its products for free after their distributorsplace orders accordingly. For different product categories, Huntkey sets upvarious giveaway rules. However, the higher the order amount, the more freeproducts that distributor will get. Apart from the above, Huntkey will alsolower its product prices on its main categories. Huntkey's distributors areassured that they can enjoy the lowest price within the whole year.
"The campaign is acost-effective chance for the distributors to prepare inventory for theupcoming new year or Christmas holidays," according to Huntkey's MarketingDirector. "In spite of the current world economic downturn and instability,Huntkey is continuing with supporting its partners."
Tolearn more about Huntkey, please visit: https://en.huntkey.com/
Founded in1995, Huntkey is a leading global provider of power strips, surge protectors,power supplies, adapters, chargers, monitors and air purifiers. Huntkey is anAsia renowned brand, a member of The International Power Supply Manufacturer'sAssociation (PSMA) and China Power Supply Society (CPSS).Including three total nearly1,000,000 square meters industrial parks, Huntkey is one of the most famous brandsand largest companies in mainland China. It is headquartered in Shenzhen, withbranch companies in the US, Japan and Hong Kong, and with cooperating factoriesin Vietnam, Brazil, Argentina and India.