SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA - MediaOutReach - 23 October 2020 - #TwitterBlueroom,live-streams that have been drawing the attention of Kpop fans around theworld, will now feature K-Drama (Korean Drama).
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▲Photo: KAIROS#TwitterBlueroom announcement from the official Twitter account of MBC Drama
Twitter announced that it will belivestreaming a #TwitterBlueroom before the premiere of 'KAIROS'. KAIROS is anew mini-series drama of MBC that will be broadcasted every Monday and Tuesday.Leading actors of the show, Seongrok Shin, Seyoung Lee, Bohyun Ahn, Gyuri Namand Seungyun Kang will be appearing on the livestream to communicate with theirglobal fans in real time. Adding to the star-studded lineup, Seungyun Kang ofKpop group 'WINNER' will be serving as MC for this unprecedented livestream.
KAIROS will be the first Korean drama(K-Drama) to participate in a #TwitterBlueroom Live. #TwitterBlueroomlivestream events have featured celebrities from various walks of life,including those making a name in Kpop, Kmovie, culture, politics, and socialissues. '#TwitterBlueroom LIVE with KAIROS' will start at 7 PM KST on October26, two hours and 20 minutes prior to the broadcast of the premiere episode ofKAIROS on MBC. Livestream can be viewed on MBC Drama's official Twitter account(
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Global fans of K-Drama will haveexciting opportunities to interact with the cast of KAIROS:
Twitter also launched special emojisto commemorate the show on its premiere date. Using the concept of KAIROS, these emojis can beapplied to Tweets by using the hashtags #카이로스, #KAIROS and #ASK_KAIROS.
YeonJeong Kim, Head of Global Kpop & KcontentPartnerships at Twitter commented, "Twitter is a platform where conversationsencompassing various fields from Kpop, Kmovie to K-Sports happen in real time.We see great potential with K-Drama as well. Fans of K-Drama worldwide activelyshare their stories on Twitter either while they're watching a broadcast orafter. KAIROS, the first ever Korean drama to host #TwitterBlueroom LIVEQ&A, is already generating quite an interest from global fans even beforeits premiere. Twitter will keep supporting K-Drama to connect with its globalfans, and to help global fans build a bridge to various K-Content in thefuture."
KAIROS (script by Suhyeon Lee,directed by Seungwu Park, produced by OH Story and Blossom Story), is atime-crossing thriller featuring a man named Seojin Kim (played by SeongrokShin) who is devastated after his young daughter is kidnapped. Seojin workstogether with a woman a month in the past, named Aeri Han (played by SeyoungLee),who is looking for her missing mother. The two characters must fight andrun across different times for their loved ones.
KAIROS will also air at a later dateto be determined in: Australia, Bahrain, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Egypt, HongKong, Indonesia, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mexico, Oman, Philippines,Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, UAE, and the United States.