SINGAPORE- Media OutReach - 26 October 2020 - Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) cannow defray the costs of implementing a reliable workforce management systemwith the adoption of King of Time byHuubap. Under approval from Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA), Japan'snumber one HR cloud system is offered under the Productivity Solutions Grant witha maximum of 70% funding support.
With the need of SMEs to improve productivityand optimise workflow especially during a period of prolonged uncertaintybrought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, King of Time offers a seamless entrypoint for them to go digital without incurring excessive costs or wasted time.
King of Time's cloud-based attendance systemrequires only a PC and an internet connection. All stakeholders including HR,managers and employees can easily access data in real time on their browserfrom any authorised point of access. An integrated cloud system is especiallyuseful since telecommuting and shift arrangements remain the norm.
Mr Kazuyuki Okuhata, Co-founder and ChiefExecutive Officer of Huubap, says: "SMEs are key drivers of the Singaporeeconomy and they need to be well-equipped to improve operations, especially forindustries that are harder hit by the pandemic. We hope that the adoption ofKing of Time as part of their innovation initiatives will help them to optimiseworkflow in the face of limited resources and manpower."
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The accessibility of the system makes leaveapplication, rostering and approvals fuss-free and time-saving. Features such asflexible work hours management, staggered shifts, employee tracking, overtimerequests and leave management are customisable to industry and company-specificneeds.
King of Time's clients span industriessuch as F&B, automation, hospitality and retail. Renowned patisserie Chateraise with outletsall across the world benefits especially from the software's globalcompatibility usage. King of Time allows the company to manage multiple globallocations via one centralised master account.
Ariel Lee, Director of Sunparkof the Chateraise franchise, endorses that King of Time "effectively reducesthe time taken to do payroll by 70%. Staff work hours are now also able to beascertained by the biometric system."
Especially for industries like manufacturing,retail and F&B that require more time attendance, the adoption of King ofTime helps companies to seamlessly transit into digital solutions. Thestreamlining of operations by removing menial, manual and laborious tasksreduces man-hours and costs drastically, offering companies a much-needed handin their productivity upgrading efforts.
Training,Set-Up and Hardware Costs Covered
Five versions of King of Time are available forsubsidy, catering for 20 to up to 150 users. Subsidised rates under the grantcover training, set-up and hardware to help companies through the initialset-up of transitioning to digital solutions. This is also the most expensiveand time-consuming phase.
"SMEs need to quickly adopt a robust andtrusted time attendance system without accumulating additional stress on theirfinances. As a pre-approved vendor that has undergone stringent tests andchecks by government bodies, we are able to offer our expertise in attendancemanagement with established network security and service standards," Kazuyukiadds.
King of Time dominates the attendancemanagement cloud market in Japan with 1,800,000 users and over 23,000 companies(as of October 2020). Constrained by government-imposed lockdowns andwork-from-home arrangements due to the pandemic, companies in Japan andSoutheast Asia contributed to an 11% increase in subscribers this year alone.
As one of the supportable solutions under theProductivity Solutions Grant, King of Time will help even more local companiesimprove their business operations to tide through the pandemic and ride intothe digital economy.
The initial set-up fee for King of Time is fromSGD 500 and the monthly fee stands at SGD 3 per user.
Huubap is offering a 30-day free trial of Kingof Time with full features available. Companies can apply for the trial on thewebsite and receive assistance from the support team with set-up and operation.
For more information about Huubap and King ofTime, please visit: www.huubap.com.
To contact Huubap, please call +65 6690 8821 oremail in to hello@huubap.com.
For more information about ProductivitySolutions Grant, please visit:
Huubapwas established in 2015 as a subsidiary of Human Technologies, Inc. (H&T)in Singapore. Huubap localises, sells and supports "King of Time" (KoT) forSoutheast Asian countries. KoT is H&T's main product which has grown intothe leading cloud attendance management system in the market. On top of thesoftware, Huubap provides solutions that improve productivity of organisations,such as tools for streamlining personnel, payroll management and paperless workefficiency tools. The Huubap team spans across Singapore, Malaysia, thePhilippines, Sri Lanka, Japan and other countries, and are unified by amultinational and multiethnic team culture. With its global perspective todrive product improvement and sales support, Huubap aims to become the cloud HRcompany with top share in the ASEAN region.