HONG KONG, CHINA- Media OutReach - 23October 2020 - Sino Group today announced its Sustainability Vision 2030('SV2030') initiative in support of the United Nations Sustainable DevelopmentGoals (UNSDGs). Under its SV2030, the Group has set sustainability goals thatalign with the six key areas of focus under its 'Creating Better Lifescapes'vision, and adopt a new 3R Strategy (Renew, Reduce, Redefine) to address HongKong's sustainability challenges. This includes the adoption of over 3,200 solarpanels to generate renewable energy sources, reducing consumption of single-useplastics (SUP) by 50% across all business lines by 2022, and developing green propertiesthat are wellness-centric.
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'At Sino,sustainability is integrated in every aspect of operations as we seek to createvalues for stakeholders and make business a driver of sustainability for abetter future. The Sustainability Vision 2030, covering crucial areas such asrenewable energy, plastic reduction, green building certification andinnovative sustainability solutions, is an important blueprint charting thecourse for 2030 and beyond. I would like to thank our partners for the staunchsupport, and look forward to creating better lifescapes as we continue on oursustainability journey,' remarks Mr Daryl Ng, Deputy Chairman of Sino Group.
As an earlyresponder to the air pollution issue, Sino Group has committed to a 30 per centreduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 from the 2012 level.
The Group's workon building a sustainable future for Hong Kong actually predates the SV2030initiative. In 2018, the Group was one of the earliest industry players toinstall photovoltaic systems on its properties, and its plan to install over 3,200panels on the rooftops and exteriors across 19 properties and three hotels willcomplete in 2021. To date, over 3,000 photovoltaic panels have already beeninstalled. Over 8,000,000 kWh of energy will be generated through thephotovoltaic system by 2030 from the 2012 level - equivalent to the energyconsumption of 1,279 local households for one year. Pilot projects to explore otherrenewable energy sources that can work within the space limitations of HongKong are also underway, such as the Group's award-winning in-building hydropowersystem and rooftop wind turbines.
Since September2019, the Group has also worked closely with local PropTech company, Negawatt,to leverage big data, Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)to enhance the Group's energy efficiency levels. The pilot programme atExchange Tower has achieved an eight per cent year-on-year reduction in chillerplant energy consumption while maintaining the same level of indoor comfort.The energy saved is equivalent to the annual energy consumption of 37 local households.The system is expected to be deployed at another 13 buildings under the Group.
The Group willcontinue its effort to reduce the consumption of Single-Use Plastics (SUP) aspart of its SV2030 commitment. The initiative aims to halve the Group's SUPconsumption by 2022 (from 2017 level) across all business lines. Since 2018,the Group has saved over 1.98 million plastic bottles by installing smartfiltered water stations at its malls and hotels. This has translated intocarbon emission reduction by around 3,140,000 kg, equivalent to planting 136,539trees.
'Sino Group isamong the first in the industry in setting a plastic reduction target andinstalling smart filtered water stations at its premises. Currently, the Grouphas the largest network of smart water dispensers in Hong Kong. Weare glad to see the Group's swift execution in contributing to protecting theEarth through reducing the use of plastics,' Ms Ada Yip, CEO of Urban Springremarks.
'We believe inthe well-being of both the environment and people and target to achieve WELL™ certificationfor all of our new projects in Hong Kong, on top of BEAM Plus certification,'said Mr Ng. 'Our focus on WELL™ underscores our people-centric designphilosophy and commitment to supporting the health and well-being needs of ourusers in the post-COVID new normal.'
The Group currentlyhas the largest number of new buildings in Hong Kong that are registered andlisted under the WELL v2™ project directory. 133 Portofino, the Group's newproject at Sai Kung was the first residential property in Hong Kong to receiveWELL Core v2™ pre-certification, followed by St. George's Mansions and theGroup's new commercial development at Wong Chuk Hang. WELL™ is the world'sfirst architectural benchmark focused exclusively on human health and wellnessto improve sustainability, WELL™ identifies 10 concepts of the builtenvironment that make a positive impact on human health and well-being, namely air,water, nourishment, light, movement, thermal comfort, sound, materials, mindand community.
Sino Group also believesHong Kong's path to a sustainable future is paved with technology. It willfurther explore innovations that improve sustainability and wellness as part ofits SV2030. Working with Sino Inno Lab, the Group will support and partner withstart-ups and inventors, as well as invest in PropTech (property technology) solutions.
Established in2018, Sino Inno Lab serves as a sandbox platform for technology companies andstart-ups to test out innovative solutions that benefit the industry as awhole. So far, it has already nurtured more than 100 PropTech solutions,connecting more than 400 companies on technology sourcing.
Sino SV2030 isthe Group's latest Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) commitment inline with the UNSDGs and sets clear directions in embracing sustainabilityacross the Group's six strategic pillars -- Green, Wellness, Design, Innovation,Heritage and Culture, and Community.
Noteto Editors
<Refer to the appendix for details ofthe sustainability goals under SV2030>
Sino Group Sustainability Vision 2030
Sustainability Goals
Heritage & Culture
By 2025
By 2030
Sino Group is one of the leading propertydevelopers in Hong Kong. It comprises three listed companies -- Sino LandCompany Limited (HKSE: 083), Tsim Sha Tsui Properties Limited (HKSE: 0247) andSino Hotels (Holdings) Limited (HKSE: 1221) as well as private companies heldby the Ng Family.
The Group's core business is developingresidential, office, industrial and retail properties for sale and investment.In addition to an extensive portfolio in Hong Kong, the Group has footprints inmainland China, Singapore and Australia. The Group has developed more than 220projects, spanning a total plot ratio area of over 84.6 million sq. ft. Ourcore business is complemented by the gamut of property services encompassingmanagement, security and environmental services to ensure a seamless SinoExperience. We are also a key player in hotel and club management.
The Group employs more than 10,000committed staff members, who share the vision of creating better lifescapes.Lifescape is our vision -- to build a better life together, where the communitythrives in harmony by embracing green living and wellness, by engaging with alland pursuing meaningful designs, and by seeking innovation while respectingheritage and culture. Committed and together, we create a better communitywhere people live, work and play.
The Group focuses its sustainabilityefforts on six areas, namely Green, Wellness, Design, Innovation, Heritage& Culture, and Community. Sino Land Company Limited (083) has been aconstituent member of the Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index Series sinceSeptember 2012 for its continual efforts in promoting sustainability.