HONGKONG , CHINA - Media OutReach - 6 Nov 2019 - Cyberportconcluded its annual premier event, Cyberport Venture Capital Forum (CVCF)today. The two-day event attracted over 900 participants and featured industryleaders, investors, venture capitalists and star start-ups from the Cyberportcommunity to explore the latest trends in the venture capital ecosystem. Meanwhile,the Intellectual Property Innovation & Entrepreneurship Contest Global(IPIEC Global) Hong Kong Chapter Finals took place in the afternoon, ending the eventful two days atCyberport on a high note. The winner and runner-up of the contest willrepresent Hong Kong to take part in the roadshows in the Mainland and competein the Global Grand Final for an opportunity to meet potential investors.
The forum hosted start-up workshops this morning led by professionalinvestors to impart knowledge on raising venture capital and examine topicssuch as how emotion and intuition of angel investors or venture capitalistsimpact the fundraising process, technological trends and opportunities forinternational businesses and the ways start-ups can prepare for investorpitching. Over 200 one-on-one meetings betweenstart-ups and investors werearranged to facilitate venture investments.
Hong Kong representatives from IPIEC Global competeto win US$100,000 cash prize
Carrying on the energetic overtone of venture capital investments, theIPIEC Global Hong Kong Chapter Finals came to a successful conclusion thisafternoon. The event was jointly organised by the Office of the GovernmentChief Information Officer, China Centre for Promotion of SME Development andthe Liaison Office of the Central People's Government with Cyberport, WTOIP.comand the Angel Investment Foundation as co-organisers . Of the top 10 finalists, LightInno Tech Limited (Lightsheet Microscopy System ) came in first placeand Artro Digital Limited (Infanity 3D -- 3D holographic imaging system) and CellomicsInternational (Liquid Biopsy for Cancer Monitoring and Early Screening) were placedfirst and second runner-ups respectively. The winner and first runner-up willrepresent Hong Kong in the semi-final to be held in Guangzhou next month and competefor the US$100,000 cash prize in the Global Final. They will also have a chanceto connect with venture capital in Mainland China, opening a wealth ofopportunities for enterprises and potential investors.
Successful start-up and investor matching
Consistent with the global trend of corporate venturing, the competitionhas generated valuable opportunities for local innovative technology start-upsto match the needs of Hong Kong and Mainland Chinese enterprises. Six entries wereidentified by local enterprises, attracting a total of HK$60 million in intentionalinvestments and plans to kickstart their partnerships.
PeterYan, CEO of Cyberport, stated , "Digital transformation is the global trend. Thedemand from corporations to fuel business development with innovativetechnologies is on the rise. As a key driver of Hong Kong's new economy,Cyberport actively connects venture capitalists, enterprises and start-upsto generate deal flows and business opportunities. We are glad to see manyCyberport companies successfully matched with the innovation needs ofcorporations. We are confident this competition will be aspringboard for these start-ups to link up with venture capitalists and helpthem capture opportunities in the Greater Bay Area and beyond."
The winner and first runner-upof the Hong Kong Chapter will be attending the global semi-final and will join28 other winners from other regions in the training camp next month. Attendeeswill receive professional guidance including market analysis and projectfine-tuning from renowned investors and industry experts. The two Hong Kongteams will participate in road shows at several Chinese cities with high-techindustries, attend investor matching events organised by local governments andtechnology parks as well as visit local technology clusters and leading enterprises.
Three of Cyberport'sIncubatees enter the 10 top finalists
The competition covers 11 topics, including FinTech, biomedicine,advanced manufacturing, A.I. & big data and attracted 94 start-ups toparticipate. Cyberport's incubatees VAR LIVE, Artro Digital Limited andWildFaces Technology Limited and their outstanding technological innovations wereselected as top 10 finalists.
IPIEC Global bridges together innovative technologies and enterprises, marketingoperation with government policies, facilitating collaborative innovation inthe industry, and enhancing competitive advantages. Held for the thirdconsecutive year, the contest spans nine competing regions including UK,Germany, Switzerland, Russia, Israel, Australia, South Korea, ASEAN and HongKong. The global championship last year was awarded to Novus Life Sciences fromHong Kong.
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Cyberport is an innovativedigital community with around 1,400 start-ups and technology companies. It ismanaged by Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited, which is whollyowned by the Hong Kong SAR Government. With a vision to be the hub for digitaltechnology thereby creating a new economic driver for Hong Kong,
Cyberport is committed tonurturing a vibrant tech ecosystem by cultivating talent, promotingentrepreneurship among youth, supporting start-ups on their growth journey,fostering industry development by promoting strategic collaboration with localand international partners, and integrating new and traditional economies byaccelerating digital transformation in the public and private sectors. For moreinformation, please visit www.cyberport.hk