SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 3 October2019 - As the Asia Pacific remains the largest overall region forgaming, estimated to take in $72.2 billion in 2019, and esports to be featuredas a medal sport at the upcoming 2019 Southeast Asian Games - the gamingecosystem is abuzz with interest. All eyes are on GameStart Asia, Singapore'slargest and longest-running gaming event, as organiser Eliphant unveils aseries of announcements for its sixth edition, GameStart 2019 (#GameStart2019),to be held on 12 and 13 October at Suntec Convention Centre.
From humble beginnings ofhosting 12,000 visitors in its inaugural edition in 2014, GameStart Asia hassince welcomed 100,000 gamers, esports athletes and cosplayers over its 5-yearhistory. SEA MAJOR, which has called GameStart home since 2016, returns as hostto some of the world's most prestigious fighting game tournaments. 2018'sedition of SEA MAJOR saw over 400 participants, with online engagement onTwitch alone reaching 25 million (minutes watched), with 2.6 million videoplays on 1.6 million devices. GameStart today is Southeast Asia's premiergaming event, having forged long term partnerships with renowned platformsincluding Taipei Game Show, BIC Fest, Game Prime Asia and BitSummit to connectpassionate local and international gaming communities.
With the theme "AsianMythology", visitors can gear up to new and exciting content that includeshowcases of the latest blockbuster games, esports, indie games, tabletopgaming, cosplay and appearances by special guests from various games industrysegments. The event is today recognised as an important platform for brands andgame publishers to announce and showcase new and upcoming products toconsumers. Organisers confirmed that several announcements and product launcheswill again be hosted at GameStart 2019, with details to be shared closer todate.
HotFavourites alongside Growth Areas
For the first time, visitors will getto enjoy The Castle, a themed adventure room game experience created andavailable exclusively at GameStart 2019. Gamers can gather a party of 4 (orjoin a group), select from two story-based routes, and embark on their chosenclan's mission to find the sealed demon within the abandoned castle.
The new GameStart Demo Zone willhost new and upcoming games on the PS4 and Nintendo Switch consoles, includingTokyo RPG's latest title, ONINAKI, Ubisoft's Just Dance 2020, and other gameswhich will be announced closer to the event days.
Publishers Marvel, Bandai NamcoEntertainment Asia, Arc System Works and Square Enix will also showcase gamesat the event.
Returning favouritesinclude:
Journeyalongside Top Esports Athletes
SEA MAJOR (SEAM) 2019, the largestfighting game tournament in Asia, returns to GameStart 2019 bigger and better,with top players from around the world. It will host two major events - theAsia Regional Finals for Capcom World Tour (Street Fighter V), and the Finalsof the inaugural SOULCALIBUR Asia League. Some of the world's top players willbe participating, including Daigo "The Beast" Umehara (Japan) and Kayane(France).
Organisers hinted that aspecial announcement by a game publisher is expected to be made during thetournaments. Registration for SEA MAJOR will end on 8 October.
Other tournamentsinclude:
First waveof guests announced
Get up close and personal withindustry talents in the gaming community, as visitors will get to meet andappreciate their skills and insights in GameStart 2019. From veteran gameproducers to talented musicians and creatives, be inspired by Asia's best inthe gaming industry.
Organisers announced their first wave of guests, including (Please refer to the Annex for theirbios):
Riiyuukii Cosplay will bemaking appearances at GameStart as Alyse, the GameStart mascot. Up-and-comingmodel Yuuno will also appear as a new Nemesis character to Alyse.
Weary gamers can replenish theirHP and MP, or celebrate their victories at The Sanctuary. Curatedby home-grown mead company Lion City Meadery, six delectable food stalls, arange of award-winning mead (a familiar drink in many Role-playing Games), anda selection of craft beer from Canadian Craft Beer, will be well-stockedto fill tummies and quench the thirst.
The Sanctuary is convenientlylocated close to the Tabletop Zone, so players can enjoy food and drink whilethey contemplate their next move. Attractive prizes await the bold who completequest cards by performing various activities at selected booths, with Armaggeddonreturns as the Official Quest Sponsor.
Sponsors and partners ofGameStart 2019 include Twitch (Official Live Stream Platform), MyRepublic(Official Fibre Broadband Partner), Monster Energy (Official Energy Drink),Lion City Meadery (Preferred Alcohol Partner) and XSplit (Official Live StreamSoftware).
LevellingUp - The Next Chapter
In May 2019, GameStart Asiaannounced its partnership with the inaugural gamescom asia, to be held inSingapore in 2020, to jointly curate an all-rounded gaming experience. ThisOctober, gamescom asia will be exhibiting at GameStart 2019.
"GameStart will hand over thereigns to gamescom asia in Singapore, and work closely with KoelnmesseSingapore to build on the current gaming community that we have establishedover the years. When we started in 2014, my team and I set out to put Singaporeand Southeast Asia on the map for gaming. The partnership is an excitingmilestone and I'd like to think that what we've done and achieved has helpedcreate this opportunity, no matter how small a part we've played," said EliciaLee, Founder of GameStart Asia.
"For now, the team is hard atwork putting the finishing touches to GameStart 2019, with specialannouncements and activities lined up to thank the community - fans andpartners alike - with the best experience ever. We hope that everyone can comeand join us," Elicia added.
More information and the latestupdates on GameStart 2019 are available on www.gamestart.asia, and www.facebook.com/GameStart.Asia.
GameStart 2019 Venue: Suntec Convention Centre Halls 401 -- 403 Singapore Event Dates: 12 & 13 October 2019 Opening Hours:
GameStart Asia is Singapore'slargest gaming event and has gained the reputation as a premier gaming conventionin Southeast Asia since its debut in 2014. Organised by Eliphant Pte Ltd, theconvention seeks to bring everything gaming-related to audiences in Asia, andhas also been host to SEA MAJOR, Southeast Asia's largest fighting gametournament, since 2016. In addition to showcasing the latest games andexclusives, GameStart is also a keen supporter of local gaming and pop culturecommunities, from cosplay to indie developers and artists, and aims to be aplatform for them to reach new audiences and potential community members.