TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MediaOutReach - 11 June 2019 - A total of 64 projects and businessleaders across 16 countries in Asia were selected as recipients of Asia ResponsibleEnterprise Awards (AREA) 2019, an increase of 19% from last year. Regarded asthe top corporate social responsibility awards in Asia, this year's ceremonywas organized in Taipei, after being held in Macau, Singapore, Bangkok, andManila previously.
Organized by Enterprise Asia, the leading non-governmental organizationfor responsible entrepreneurship in Asia, the AREA aims to recognize and honorAsian businesses and leaders for championing sustainable and sociallyresponsible business practices. The award categories are socialempowerment, investment in people, health promotion, green leadership,corporate governance, and responsible business leadership. Some of thedignitaries who graced the event include Mr. Chang San-cheng, former premier ofthe Republic of China (Taiwan) and Mr. Hou Yu-Ih, mayor of New Taipei City.
Leading the list ofwinners under the investment in people category was Provincial ElectricityAuthority (PEA) with their project "1 Tambon 1 Electrician".
PEA's main business isto produce, procure, deliver, distribute and provide electricity services forthe public, businesses, and industries in order to meet customer needs andcreate satisfaction in quality and services. The Company is responsible forpower distribution in 74 provinces and 7,154 districts in Thailand (excludingBangkok, Nonthaburi and Samutprakarn), and is responsible for operatingelectrical management for approximately 510,000 square kilometers, equivalentto 99% areas of Thailand, with 19.36 million power users.
According to itscollected data, communities have been facing scarcity of professional, skilledand certified electricians to provide service. Among the local population,there is a lack of primary electrical knowledge for basic electric repair.Therefore, when failures in electrical system occurred, locals have always beenreaching to PEA for assistance.
To acknowledge thisissue, "1 Tambon 1 Electrician" project was established to develop professionalskills among electricians to provide electrical system reparation service. Withexceptional skills acquired, it provides more opportunity for electricians toearn additional income, to develop their potential and to create more careeropportunities.
The "1 Tambon 1Electrician" project achieved success since January to December 2018. Due toits success, the duration is set to be proceeded from 2017 to 2020 with theframework and strategy of conducting discussion with Department of SkillDevelopment, observing area for its preparedness and appropriations to conductthe project, conducting seminars to evaluate expectations from affiliatedparties, recruiting eligible electricians to enrol in the program, directingaction plans and assigning tasks to responsible parties, fulfilling trainingcourses with lecturers from PEA and Department of Skill Development regarding proper,safe and sufficient electrical usage, quarterly and annual review of theeffectiveness of the project , and observing satisfaction level and concludingoutcome of the project.
Some of theachievements of the project include arranging training activities fordeveloping skills in the field of electricians for 2,000 trainees, having atleast 80% of electricians pass the trainings, having properly certified andlicensed electricians for every district, obtaining good public image for PEA,building good relationship between PEA and the community, generating additionalincome and building career of local electricians across Thailand.
As an organization thatrecognizes the importance of electricity usage, PEA is dedicated to achievingits mission in supporting safe and sufficient use of electricity across thecountry.
Enterprise Asia is anon-governmental organization in pursuit of creating an Asia that is rich inentrepreneurship as an engine towards sustainable and progressive economic andsocial development within a world of economic equality. Its two pillars ofexistence are investment in people and responsible entrepreneurship. EnterpriseAsia works with governments, NGOs and other organizations to promotecompetitiveness and entrepreneurial development, in uplifting the economicstatus of people across Asia and in ensuring a legacy of hope, innovation andcourage for the future generation. For more information, visit: https://www.enterpriseasia.org/.
The Asia ResponsibleEnterprise Awards recognizes and honors Asian businesses for championingsustainable and responsible entrepreneurship in the categories of GreenLeadership, Investment in People, Health Promotion, Social Empowerment,Corporate Governance and Responsible Business Leadership. For more information,visit: https://enterpriseasia.org/area/.