TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MediaOutReach - 10 June 2019 - A totalof 64 projects and business leaders across 16 countries in Asia were selectedas recipients of Asia Responsible Enterprise Awards (AREA) 2019, an increase of19% from last year. Regarded as the top corporate social responsibility awardsin Asia, this year's ceremony was organized in Taipei, after being held in Macau,Singapore, Bangkok, and Manila previously.
Organized by Enterprise Asia, the leadingnon-governmental organization for responsible entrepreneurship in Asia, the AREAaims to recognize and honor Asian businesses and leaders for championingsustainable and socially responsible business practices. The award categoriesare social empowerment, investment in people, health promotion, greenleadership, corporate governance, and responsible business leadership. Some ofthe dignitaries who graced the event include Mr. Chang San-cheng, formerpremier of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and Mr. Hou Yu-Ih, mayor of NewTaipei City.
Leading the list of winners under the investment inpeople category was Taishin Financial Holding Co., Ltd. with their project "DualMentoring Program".
Founded in 2002, Taishin owns 12 subsidiaries running bank, securities, investment trust, investment advisory and other businesses.With their branding position as "Your Smart Partner", the Company holds thebelieves of "Integrity, Commitment, Innovation and Collaboration" to fulfilcustomers' need and to be a leader in Taiwan's financial industry.
The Company is dedicated to building an environment whichthey can develop with their employees. They invested abundant resources to holdregular engagement surveys, capture how their employees think about theCompany, identify key factors that retain their employees, and set action planstowards important issues.
From 2018, Taishin cooperated with internationallyrenowned consulting firm to introduce the Pulse Survey System, which allowsthem to create diverse surveys and research on different demographic groups,instantly hearing their voice and shortening their response time to launchaction plans. To collect the real opinions, the Company launched focus-groupinterviews or face-to-face interviews at all branches irregularly. Theyconstantly hear and seek improvement, based on the different touch points ofemployees' career stages, integrating their experience and KPI, proving thatemployees are their most important asset.
Based on the organization's development and theprofessional needs of different fields, Taishin follows a pyramid structure todevelop talents and expand the pool of key talents and mid-high levelmanagerial talents. For employees of different functions, the Companydifferentiate their management methods. For example, for the newly-hiredfinancial advisors, they encourage them to pair as mentor and apprentice bythemselves. The teaching and learning interaction between them boosts theirgrowth, which in turn, enhance their competitiveness. Meanwhile, Taishin has aless limited rotation system which allows employees to develop horizontally.The Company actively builds career paths for each of their employees, creatingprofound and productive influences.
The "Dual Mentoring Program", proved effective as itresulted in higher performances, engagement and promotion speed, as well as alower turnover rate.
For the mid-term goal, the mentor and apprentice teaminteraction created a win-win culture, maintaining a constant growth ofperformance. Besides, the mentors learn managerial skills, ensuring theCompany's long-term talent development. For the long-term objective, the systematicstructure of the program not only creates a positive cycle but also enhancesengagement.
In the future, Taishin plans to apply this successfulmodel to new-hires and junior employees in other functions and departments.Meanwhile, the Company actively strengthens the relationship with campuses andyounger communities. Through industry-university cooperation, substitutemilitary service and R&D substitute service(a form of Taiwanese alternative civilian service), and "Dual Mentoring Program",Taishin encourages students, their potential employees, to gain successfulworking experiencein advance. They not only help them become more employable upon graduation butalso makes them more experienced, familiarize themselves with the Company'sculture, and equip professional skills before the official employment, theknow-how helps them grow faster after on boarding.
EnterpriseAsia is a non-governmental organization in pursuit of creating an Asia that isrich in entrepreneurship as an engine towards sustainable and progressiveeconomic and social development within a world of economic equality. Its twopillars of existence are investment in people and responsible entrepreneurship.Enterprise Asia works with governments, NGOs and other organizations to promotecompetitiveness and entrepreneurial development, in uplifting the economicstatus of people across Asia and in ensuring a legacy of hope, innovation andcourage for the future generation. For more information, visit: https://www.enterpriseasia.org/.
The AsiaResponsible Enterprise Awards recognizes and honors Asian businesses forchampioning sustainable and responsible entrepreneurship in the categories ofGreen Leadership, Investment in People, Health Promotion, Social Empowerment,Corporate Governance and Responsible Business Leadership. For more information,visit: https://enterpriseasia.org/area/.