TAIPEI,TAIWAN - Media OutReach -11 June 2019 - A total of 64 projects andbusiness leaders across 16 countries in Asia were selected as recipients ofAsia Responsible Enterprise Awards (AREA) 2019, an increase of 19% from lastyear. Regarded as the top corporate social responsibility awards in Asia, thisyear's ceremony was organized in Taipei, after being held in Macau, Singapore,Bangkok, and Manila previously.
Organized by Enterprise Asia, the leading non-governmental organizationfor responsible entrepreneurship in Asia, the AREA aims to recognize and honorAsian businesses and leaders for championing sustainable and sociallyresponsible business practices. The award categories are socialempowerment, investment in people, health promotion, green leadership,corporate governance, and responsible business leadership. Some of thedignitaries who graced the event include Mr. Chang San-cheng, former premier ofthe Republic of China (Taiwan) and Mr. Hou Yu-Ih, mayor of New Taipei City.
Leading the list ofwinners under the green leadership category was Taiwan Cement Corporation (TCC)with their project "Turn Carbon Dioxide into Green". "Environment, Energy, andCement" are the three cores in the business of TCC. By applying innovativetechnologies and thoughts, the Company aims to develop new energies and marchtoward the goal of a circular economy with "zero waste, zero pollution, andzero emission", and create new values as a sustainable enterprise.
To support the ParisAgreement and to achieve the CO2 emission standard for inhibitingglobal average temperature rise below 1.5°C as specified in the Global WarmingReport of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, TCC devotes itself in thedevelopment of Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS).
The Company made itsfirst CO2 capture test plant in the Hoping Plant as the demo plantfor promoting CO2 capture. It used Calcium-Looping technology for CO2capture, and used those CO2 to cultivate Haematococcus pluvialis, analgae which contains an abundant of astaxanthin. Astaxanthin is recognized asthe strongest antioxidant in the world, and it is an indispensable rare rawmaterial in the healthcare industry.
TCC moreover designedthe World's first astaxanthin soba noodle, which is not only beneficial tohealth but also reduces energy-consumption during the extraction process. TheCompany believes that the innovation and application of astaxanthin-relatedproducts is a new way to connect with the public's everyday life.
The vision of TCC is tomake CO2 capture to become a mature technology, which can bothmitigate global warming and add value to the carbon circular economy. Calcium-Loopingtechnology for CO2 capture not only captures carbon dioxide, butalso reduces the cost of cement production. It is a win-win strategy for thecore business of TCC and the environment.
Since Carbon Captureand Storage (CCS) is believed as an essential technology in addressing climate-relatedissues, the commercialization of CCS becomes the goal of TCC. The Companycreated the application platform for CCUS to fulfil the vision.
The unique design andtechnology by TCC won the recognition of the 2014 Global R&D 100 Awards,and the "astaxanthin application" has been recognized by the 13th NationalInnovation Award and the 5th National Industrial Innovation Award.
TCC continually testits CCUS technology, and its medium and long-term goals are to develop andestablish the calcium looping CO2 capture system and technology witha commercial scale. After combining the technology with cement production andpower generation, TCC aims to become a competitive provider to CO2capture technology.
In 2019, the Companywill launch a new plan with a budget of NT$600 million to expand the CCUStechnology. It is estimated that the carbon capture in 2025 will be 450,000tons per year.
Zero emission in carboncapture is the last mile for TCC. The Company will continue to develop its CCUStechnology to become an eco-solution provider that builds a circular economy,emphasizing on "zero waste, zero pollution, and zero emission".
Enterprise Asia is anon-governmental organization in pursuit of creating an Asia that is rich inentrepreneurship as an engine towards sustainable and progressive economic andsocial development within a world of economic equality. Its two pillars ofexistence are investment in people and responsible entrepreneurship. EnterpriseAsia works with governments, NGOs and other organizations to promotecompetitiveness and entrepreneurial development, in uplifting the economicstatus of people across Asia and in ensuring a legacy of hope, innovation andcourage for the future generation. For more information, visit: https://www.enterpriseasia.org/.
The Asia ResponsibleEnterprise Awards recognizes and honors Asian businesses for championingsustainable and responsible entrepreneurship in the categories of GreenLeadership, Investment in People, Health Promotion, Social Empowerment,Corporate Governance and Responsible Business Leadership. For more information,visit: https://enterpriseasia.org/area/.